
A Poem: A Christian Confronts The Simulation / #positivedisruption #freedom #liberty

Self Expression Unleashed / #positivedisruption #TeamUSA #AmericanSoul #ThisAmericanQuilt #ProLife

The Critical Thinker Upholds The Perfect Law of Liberty / #positivedisruption #empathy #TeamUSA

The 900 American Originals / #newera #USA #politics

The Freedom Essays: The Immorality of Population Control / #positivedisruption #Global #criticalthinking #wisdom


#StateOfTheMedia: Propaganda as Truth / #positivedisruption #socialresponsibility #TeamUSA #criticalthinking

Landfall: The Storm of Love Is Down To Earth

The Freedom Essays; Number 3: Maintaining Critical Thinking Safeguards Freedom & Liberty / #TeamUSA #America #family #edchat

Officer Geronimo Yanez & Philando Castile / #usa

"This Nation Will Rise Up" / #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption #USA #Global #criticalthinking #edchat