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Introduction of a Study on The 'Command & Control' Legislation "The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act" And Its Purposed Effect On Civic Journalism: The Champion Outsiders We Must Always Have

The chair of the individual civic writer has the capacity to be unconstrained by political and monetary pressure. It is the place for intellect and liberty to flow on a common endeavor. It can be a seat that proclaims justice; a place from which the status quo can be shaken; a source through which ill-serving strongholds can be brought down.  The growing tide of humanity is readily entering the fastest growing practice of individual liberty in the 21st century, civic journalism. Does the profession of civic journalism directly compliment the foundational core strength of the United States of America as the highest echelon of responsible, 'thought-out,' ordered expression;' a 'long-form' work of 'individual free speech' that employs the enterprising of critical thinking skills as the writer presents their observations and reasoning to the readers, and through the auspices of the mainstay of the internet to be an 'open source' framework through which t...

The Disrespect Of The Strategy Of Ideological Swarm: An Ends in Itself & Also To Internationalize Command Of America's Economy

The United States of America, a nation of laws, founded on the unanimous agreement of natural law, immediately decreed that the protection of human rights, to the assurance that the people be safe and happy, with their fundamental rights being foremost the brick and mortar of our establishment, solemnly declared, that it be the mainstay and cornerstone upon which the whole edifice of our national unity both stands and rests. As such, the presence of efforts and actions  of foreign powers and international financial institutions   to meddle with the instrumentality of the offices and powers of the American government with the intent to  commandeer its economic strength should be observed,  deconstructed, and brought forward to the attention of the people. But in a nation that has become ideologically divided and polarized for short-term political gain, consensus will not be reached. Our Declaration of Independence was our only unanimous agreement...

They Actively Proclaim Their Globalist Agenda With Condescension Unto American Conservatives

  ā€œAs avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent Patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public Councils! Such an attachment of a small or weak, towards a great and powerful Nation, dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter. Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else its becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defence agains it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger...

The Unanimous Good Of All Americans: A Study of America's Successful Historical Tradition of Individual Economic Liberty

  How we go about establishing long-term resilience in the American economy; avoiding war with Russia and China while protecting our national interest; asserting peace, and also safeguarding those historical traditions that have made the United States of America the last remaining superpower: how we approach these objectives sais more about our self-interests, than the actual task itself. The power of our vote as individuals, and the writing and speaking of sober-minded Americans can help inform the people, that they may at the end, having that more profound knowledge, make the right decision. Is that enough protection for preserving our American way of life that has allowed such tremendous economic prosperity being diversely distributed across the land? Understanding 'what are'  & 'how' we established and solidified our traditional historical strengths that have formed such economic success is crucial for any voter, writer and speaker, that from that standpoint, t...

"Trust the People"--The Triumph of Ronald Reagan: He Addressed The American Economy as a Pragmatic Business Capitalist

The degree of regard unto the simple American principle that government be 'of and for' shows itself in the character of those who have been elected or entered political power. How well a nation's leader, their administration's policy makers, representatives of our U.S. Congress, and finally, the Justices in our Supreme Court respect, value, and understand the dual role of solemn stewardship and leadership requires personal humility and a selfless sense of service to the people that may oft be placed aside when the same individuals in positions of government power realize that they can affect national policy, according to their political self-interest distinct from the unanimous good of all the people. In that regard, what does stewardship and leadership in government signify to a Supreme Court Justice, to the holder of the office of the American Presidency, and with our members of Congress? How do they do their job in such a way that their work distills a spirit of lib...