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An Economy of Dynamic Economies/ Individual Self-Determination v. Command & Control

  In all of the civilizations of the world across all time, not in Rome, nor Egypt, not in England, or in China, not in India, nor in Russia, has such unification of mind and heart met together in agreement to become a political community of people of such diversity, and with such an adherence to individual liberty and justice, as was accomplished in 1776 with the creation of the United States of America, and its founding charter, our Declaration of Independence. A writing incasing a proclamation of natural, fundamental law: after great deliberations amongst representatives of the diverse people of its land, and also amongst the local assemblies of the people, closely following, supporting, and placing the sentiment of their hearts, and their best understandings of the spirit of liberty that had to be the core of a better government for and of the people. That entire process itself, (1) the formation and support of our first government (the Continental Congress, 1774-76), and (2) t...

On Ordered Liberty & American Tradition: A Response To The 'Alito Draft Opinion' on Roe v. Wade

In the judicial process of the personnel in our U.S. Supreme Court, namely, the manner of approach unto the question of constitutionality of abortion in what is known as the ā€˜Alito Draft Opinion,ā€™ an authentic opinion voted upon of all the justices, with the exception of Chief Justice John Roberts having not yet inputed his vote, and such an opinion not formally announced as an official decision, yet released to the ā€˜media pressā€™ from within that Court , the voting of Justices Gorsuch, Barrett, Alito, and Thomas, are tendered in support of the framing of the issue by Alito, and in his solution unto the issue, whereas, Justices Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan, voted in opposition to the resolution. Justice Alito cites the national, political contention of the issue of abortion, and brings our attention to his understanding of the matter as he officially frames it. Given his position as a Justice in our U.S. Supreme Court, the gravity of the issue before him and his colleagues, the exercis...

It Will Become All One Thing, Or All The Other

A political scientist does not have a physical lab and a white coat with safety glasses on as they aggregate informational flows, sifting through information, unearthing tangible ideas and opinions, analyzing these and the conclusions thereof they arrive to, but they are on the cusp of practicing informed, independent, open-mined critical thinking. Their focus is on an understanding of the interaction of weak and powerful systems, organizations and entities, political movement flows, local, national and global culture dynamics, and the relationships between governments and the people that constitute these. Abraham Lincoln was a political scientist; a critical thinker; a selfless individual who looked into the matter of what the original spirit of liberty and justice for all was, and what the sum intentions of the founding fathers of the American nation were. He was a man who loved to learn and had an early appreciation for the value of selfless objectivity, recognizing it as an honest...

The People Agree To Form A Nation Of Civility On The Promise Of The Declaration Of Independence

ā€œ Two roads diverged in a yellow wood..ā€ (Robert Frostā€™s 1915 poem, ā€˜The Road Not Taken.ā€™ ) What is ā€˜that road that Americans should take, if not the road that is of peace and tranquility, a road that gifts us with national civility (genuinely treating each other with kindness, respect & politeness)? What other road is there that we can nationally consent to as a diverse people, with our different ethnicities, religions, politics, and walks of life? Was not the matter deliberated upon with much thoughtful discussion in our Continental Congressā€™s of  (1774-1776), a committee created to draft a document that could stand the test of time and still maintain itself after 246 years as the promissory note that was the first agreement to national community? It ā€˜was and isā€™ a promise; a roadā€™ a national agreement, a first Bill of Rights, and a charter that the American society would be founded and established on the protection of individual human rights, that we may self-determine the ...

How Will We Fashion & Conduct Our Appeals Unto The Nation?

Abraham Lincoln's relentless appeals unto the people were tactical and direct; that they return to the gentle waters of the promise of the Declaration of Independence.     George Washington To Marquis de Lafayette Mount Vernon 10th May 1786 ā€œā€¦It is one of the evils of democratical governments that the people, not always seeing & frequently mislead, must often feel before they can act rightā€”but then evils of this nature seldom fail to work their own cure. It is to be lamented nevertheless that the remedies are so slow, & that those who may wish to apply them seasonably are not attended to before they suffer in person, in interest & in reputation.ā€ What expectancy of national peace can be effected if the foundational spirit and original intentions of our founding fathers for America are misconstrued in ignorance and with designed purpose to change its meaning, with the desired end that present generations of the people become untethered from the understanding of...