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Financial Independency Protects American Liberty

Reshaping our educational goals to empower Americans  to have the time to create the financial resources to be able  to be a true check on the decision-making power of our  government calls into play the intellectual and heart strength  of the people to be players in the moral direction of our countryā€” is of the utmost importance. Who can defend liberty without the time to do so? What importance will the students of our American schools and universities place on having a solemn respect to value protecting individual life and liberty, as found therein within our Declaration of Independence, and our constitutional papers? How shall generations of Americans own the responsibility to be sentinels of our constitutional rights, if our economic station is fixed due to government being used as the initiator of economy, rather than the American as the source creator of their own wealth? the depreciation of the value of money (inflation) occurs when the federal...

Americans Predisposition to Allow an Elite Few To Foreclose National Discussion

  The ancient spirit of this nation? How would you know? From where would the answer show itself to you? In what profundities of your heart, your mind, and your soul, would the answer to such a question be brought forth? Can a nation have such a purpose from something so ephemeral as ā€˜spirit?ā€™ We only have to open the books that we have not been taught and read the words of champions we never knew. The words of ordinary men and women who became extraordinary sentinelsā€”of libertyā€” What is that ancient spirit of America, my friend? Because you will not find it in the multiple choice questions of your history test, nor will the public school change course and settle into bringing Abraham Lincolnā€™s writings to life; giving it wings; allowing his sharp, cool, precise intellect to reach the mind of the ordinary; that a thousand sentinels of liberty be born; that an American may find the spirit of a nation from the pages of sacrifice and toil; from the pages of perseverance and st...

That Right To Life & Liberty: A Protection of the American Individual

George Washington was a soldier always longing for his farm; for a return too harvest his field, to fix that hedge, to sit in his rocking chair; but to the frontiers of Virginia did he travel to protect the local people from attacks from warring tribes of Native Americans. His progress as a Christian marks his daily life and can be gleaned from his writings that compliment the national heritage of America. His one thought over the years was the issue of slavery; and in the process of the Continental Congress and his volunteer service as Commander of the Continental Army, and later as President, began to show the steady walk towards honoring liberty and justice for all. In 1792, for example, along with Congress, he designated the Northwest territories as free of slavery. He understood that slavery had to be constrained, limited, hindered, and finally brought to a close if the purpose of the United States of America was to grow and expand its roots of liberty. In his last testament, he p...

The Provision of Our Constitution: The Protection of Individual Life & Liberty

Abraham Lincoln addressed the threat of faction in government. ā€œI have never had a feeling politically that did not spring forth from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independenceā€”I have pondered over the toils that were endured by the officers and soldiers of the army, who achieved that Independence. I have often inquired of myself, what great principle or idea it was that kept this Confederacy so long together. It was not mere matter of the separation of the colonies from the mother land; but something in that Declaration giving liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment embodied in the Declaration of Independence.   Now, my friends, can this country be saved upon that basis?ā€ Abraham Lincoln, speech at Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylva...

'Faction' Instrumentalizes 'Statutory Interpretation' In Our U.S. Supreme Court To Misconstrue The Importance Of The Word & Spirit of Our Constitution

  ā€˜Natural lawā€™ is that law that is ā€˜writtenā€™ upon the ā€˜tables of our heart;ā€™ our conscience. We know certain truths about life to be self evident: all humanity is equal in its right to life and the right to liberty. That is to say, it matters not the color of our skin, or how much money our family has or has had; it matters not that one of us is from this area of the world, and the other is from another region. Our religion, creed, walk of life, or what our outward complexion may be; the certain truth that our life is of equal claim to be respected is a universal, unalienable certainty. Thus, as long as we respect the rights of others to also enjoy the liberty to live and be free, we have liberty. To effect the protection of our natural liberty to live and be free, we have established government for the care and not the destruction of the people. Hence, we have laws, law makers, and protectors of the law. Now, in 1774, an incredible experiment was initiated in the land we call the...