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Liberty In Practical Application

1 Liberty; it is a word that brings to mind the idea of being free, unbound, movement, and self-government. It is the happy doorway, path, and foundation for creativity, enterprise, and peace. It is also a word that may conjure images of American Revolutionary soldiers and statesmen, like George Washington on his horse before a battalion of soldiers, and John Adams imploring, giving gravity to, admonishing, and fine-tuning before the Continental Congress what should be the just measure of ideas that forms the government. Liberty; a word of the past, encased in glass and history books; a story to behold and brighten the imagination, yet altogether, a word belonging only to the military soldier on a battlefield, for the practice of officially certified people in government, or in retrospect, as a scene invoking it on a painting. A word that cannot be held, and so, a word that enters and leaves the mind. All this as it is, in America we have these unalloyed champions who are the ...

The United Strength Of The Whole, a poem

The united strength of the whole;  the moral and intellectual intelligence of the people; those remaining fountains of empathy; bring these forth; let passion join with solemnity; that love, joy, & peace may abound sharpen the heart unto braveness; give it prowess; make that mind bright; slacken the weights of complacency that lull; unburden the soul from purchasing the short bread of appeasement in you & in me; solidarity in allowing the national unity that is the promise of our Declaration of Independence; that spirit of liberty that moved Abigail Adams to lay the hay for the tired soldier, to melt her silverware into bullets liberty to some, but not to all, such liberty is spotted and sectional; it calls for division and ingrains acrimony the unalloyed spirit of liberty  exacted in that Declaration Of Independence is the wellspring, the foundation of our unity; it must be understood, defended, protected; across all generations, without relen...

The Relentless Loving Strength of Unalloyed Liberty

Liberty is National. Its presence relaxes the mind. The person is enough being human. Nothing more is required. Safety and peace rises like a sun within the people of the land. They go about their day doing good, being happy.  A rightly educated, independent sharp mind, and an empathic heart that cares for the wellbeing of others; that cares about our community; the two wings upon which liberty soars.  The gentle balance of strong mind, and gentle heart; these are the eyes of liberty; an eagle in mid flight, a disinterested, altruist defender; a champion unlike any other. Liberty is National. It displaces absolute reign; walking amongst the people.  Safety and peace rises like a sun within the people of the land. They go about their day doing good, being happy.  It is a light thing. In its ignorance, self-interest scorns it.  Without comprehension, selfishness is repulsed by it.  The invisible battle of comprehension is set in array.  ā€œLe...

A Unity Government- A Coalition Of The American Spirit

In speaking directly to the American people, in admonishing members of our Supreme Court, in supporting a congressional Pro Life coalition of Republicans & Democrats;   in rooting out the unnatural springs of acrimony and division, the cause of liberty and justice has continued its relentless movement to reach our hearts & minds. Its disinterested defenders clearly identify the construction of the self-serving abortion industry upon our government. True liberty; and the defense of it, namely our natural rights as laid before us in our constitutional documents, offers no new vision before us; no new radical additional construction. That would be unconstitutional. We are free to live in peace, to be happy, and to be an educated people. Instead, the cause of liberty and justice, the right of humanity, is an idea with the power to bring community together in peace: in it, the value of life in each person is equal, and the protection of that lifeā€”assured with the establishment o...

"And So My Fellow Americans.." / The Legacy of John F. Kennedy

Liberty Starts in the Heart & Mind   Think not that the promise of liberty was only purchased in our American Revolution with the triumph of physical battle. It was born in the heart and mind; in the resolve to not return to being second-class citizens without representation in a government that was not of and for the people, but to go onward with a clear understanding that we have these natural rights. With a passionate determination; with a disinterested affirmation, we have been blessed with a few amongst us in each generation, who have laid aside the temporal promise of peace and quiet of their season in life, in order to defend our fair, fundamental, natural claim to that liberty.   ā€œThat whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect t...