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Calling Them Forth

Abraham Lincoln understood that the institution of slavery was a direct challenge to the words of our Declaration of Independence, and seeing them being hollowed, he, of the champion intellectuals of his age, next to John Quincy Adams and Frederick Douglass, understood the call in his heart and mind to be selfless in the cause of liberty; being unspotted in his good work to lay claim upon that first promissory note that became the initial document for the defense of individual liberty; his completed works rendering proof of justice to the spirit of 1776; placing the citizens as co-sovereigns and in charge of the government. He looked unto the final works of those Continental Congressional delegates, and studied his way from there, seeing that America would not last long if it was divided on the issue of freedom for all.   Astounding individual that he was, Abraham Lincolnā€™s genuine humility connected him to the people, and his smart, logical approach morphed him into an altruist ...

What You Can Do For Your Country- Care For The People

The process of critical thinking logically demands a fair, open-mind that gathers information and ultimately renders a disinterested opinion. Not a cold, heartless opinion, but one bonded to a warm, human sympathy for people. A true critical thinker, in continuity then, is anchored to a moral foundation that serves as a gravitational ballast giving selfless allegiance, without prejudice, to a naturally good set of moral principles. ā€œā€¦my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.ā€                                         President John F. Kennedy,                                                    Inaugural Address, January 2...

Light, Love, & Tea / #Israel #Palestine #Iran #USA

  ā€œThe blessings of society depend entirely on the constitutions of government..ā€ John Adams, 1776 Civilians within the United States, Israel, Palestine, and Iran, must be advocating citizens who do what they can from their individual positions to weave the necessary civility to prepare the way for a future of peace. In our American neighborhoods, we must exemplify what is that promise of liberty within our Declaration of Independenceā€”that in Iran, Israel, and in Palestine it may be said that we have weaved together as one people under the banner of liberty and justice for all. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and in our heartland: Let the Iranian-American children play with the Israeli-American children. Let the Palestinian-American share tea and a meal with the Israeli-American. Let our actions of brotherly love speak louder than the bombs and the rocks that fly through the air. Let them understand what it is that brings the American people, with all our different ethn...

How I Love Those Who Bring Peace

  How I love those who bring peace. In the Nuremberg Trials after the second world war, Germans were tried in a court of law for crimes against their own people. At the time of their actions, their maneuvers, ploys, and reasoning as to their motives was legitimized as necessary means to a final end wherein a supreme human race would get the advantage as the highest echelon of human civilization. To do so, more than 6 million German Jewish families were persecuted and murdered. Woman, grandpas, children and grandmas. There was no mercy. Any German thought to not be in line with the ā€˜Lebensraumā€™ final solution agenda was killed. The Nazi German order did medical experiments on humans without there consent, and the propaganda machine of Goebbels, Adolf Hitlerā€™s news/ information officer, lulled the public mind into acquiescing unto the slaughter of their fellow citizens. There was no government of the people and for the people, and there was no government that made itself servant t...

The Works Of Their Preparations To The Battle

ā€œBut now it is to be transformed into a ā€œsacred right.ā€ Nebraska brings it forth, places it on the high road to extension and perpetuity; and, with a pat on its back, says to it, ā€œGo and God speed you.ā€ Henceforth it is to be the chief jewel of the nation, the very figure-head of the ship of State. Little by little, but steadily as manā€™s march to the grave, we have been giving up the OLD for the NEW faith.. Near eighty years ago we began by declaring that all men are created equal; but now from that beginning we have run down to the other declaration, that for SOME men to enslave others is a sacred right of self-government. These principles cannot stand together. They are opposite as God and mammon; and whosoever holds to the one, must despise the other.ā€ Abraham Lincoln, 1854 During the course of the 1800s, three Americans, John Quincy Adams, Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln, all meek of heart, brilliant in their thinking, and determined in their resolve, took it upon thems...

Emphatic In His Determination/ A Champion Of Liberty / He Reaches The King

  To the heart of John Adams goes grace for his selfless sacrifice of a personal life,  that he may readily apply his intellect and passion in good service for the American people his time,  and the practical, useful legacy of his work forward unto all generations.  Unto him who was the lion for liberty and justice in the Continental Congress, who held steadfast to being and doing good for his country, goes the gift of a peaceful mind.  John Adams; emphatic in his determination to establish a government that would withstand the test of time, political change, and worldly pressures; with understanding of the foundational epocha, of the ā€˜gravitasā€™ he was a player in, goes peace of mind. ā€œI made the three Reverences, one at the Door, another about half Way and the third before the Presence, according to the Usage established at this and all the northern Courts of Europe, and then addressā€™d myself to his Majesty..ā€ ā€œI must avow to your Majesty, I h...