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What We Ought To Do /A Call To Action

  ā€œI say again, fellow-citizens, Oh, for a Supreme Court which shall be as true, as vigilant, as active and exacting in maintaining laws enacted for the protection of human rights, as in other days was that court for the destruction of human rights!ā€ Frederick Douglass, from an address at Lincoln Hall  included in his Life and Times of Frederick Douglass , p.467 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has upon a number of occasions, both instructed the American populace on the basic formulae for decision making as a Supreme Court justice, and also asked and challenged us citizens with a poignant question as to our duties as Americans. Should the judiciary branch of government be the interpreter and final arbiter of the Constitution? In a nation that espouses a pledge of allegiance placing itself as one nation under God, what role, if any, do the words found in Judeo-Christian scripture find as a leverage constraining the judiciary in its interpretation and final decisio...

The Defending American Champions / #Thanksgiving #ReadyToRock

                                                              1 ā€œAmerica has given a great gift to the world..Our gift is twofold: the declaration, as a cardinal example of all just law, of the god-given, unalienable rights possessed  by every human being; and the example of our determination to secure those rights and to defend them against every challenge through the generations. our declaration and defense of our rights have made us and kept us free and have sent a ride of hope and inspiration around the globe.ā€ from President Ronald Reaganā€™s proclamation on January 14th, 1988, declaring January 17th, National Sanctity of Human Life Day Champions are those who endeavor upon a worthwhile cause, having experienced momentary defeats, yet unstoppable in their determination to ultimate...

The Spirit of America

The Supreme Court of 1973 exceeded its authority in placing constitutional protections on human abortion, and in so doing, replaced the founding principles of an America that safeguards life and liberty with justice for all, with an America that has condoned legally-sanctioned human death facilities responsible for 61 million unborn children so far, not counting the humanity that is ended in the womb because of abortion pills. That official death toll rises at about 2,500 to 3,000 per day and has become a corporatized, government-protected industry that receives more than $500 million in tax funds on an yearly basis. How does our moral American power projection upon the world effect how other countries behave on account of human abortion? Originally, our American constitution was crafted with a spirit of life, liberty, and justice for all. Since then, leaders have arisen to bring about that more perfect American union. People like John and Abigail Adams, their son John Quincy Adams...

The Writers & Speakers (2,807 words)

  They endeavored to make America to be that City on the Hill.   There was no call to patriotic sentiment,   but a certain going forth in sharp righteousness,   proclaiming themselves vociferously to THE standard of God,   intellectual, advocating firebrands      Critical thinkers..political scientists,   genuine sentinels of life, liberty and justice. In Alexander Hamiltonā€™s opening salvo to promote and present constitutional understanding in his essay, Federalist No.1, he asks poignantly,  ā€œit seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, wether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or wether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force. If there be any truth in the remark, the crisis at which we are arrived may with propriety be regarded as th...

The Quality of American Instruction/ Our Sense of Humanity

Martin Luther King. I Have A Dream speech. 1963 at the Washington D.C. Lincoln Monument. Just as the Word of God is the essential life instruction book of the sons of Abraham, the role of a smart, dynamic education is vital to the well-being of the American citizen and the larger American community.   How does the understanding of the most cherished precepts found in the words of the two main documents of our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, vary according to the understanding, appreciation, and insight of the professors and teachers? Our sense of humanity is strengthened, denigrated, sharpened, and made dull according to the quality of instruction we receive, creating and sustaining an educational and overall leadership divide in America. Think about Frederick Douglass for a moment; his rise as an outspoken citizen was initially launched with his self-education and through the combined efforts of the network of caring members in the local and ...