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The Foundation / a new work from @coachbill007 / #parents #students #seniorcitizens

Rhythm & Movement with Coach Bill

American Electric Grass Roots

A Smart Citizenry of American Sovereigns / #theFreedomPapers #parents #education #teachers #Educators #criticalthinking

The individual liberty of Americans is best and most critically defended with the spoken and written word. American sovereignty is a peculiar right American citizens enjoy. Not sovereignty above our shared laws, but that sovereignty that is a platform of liberty to empower oneself through means of the best education possible.  When such education is not attainable, Americans are left without sophisticated intellectual tools of smart observation, creative thinking, responsible conversation, and the analytical mind to construct and deconstruct perspectives and thoughts. This is happening in America, and it has created a valley filled with a citizenry trained into choosing entertainment  for its own self only, instead of a smart citizenry of responsible, law-abiding American sovereigns, not only ready to defend our liberties, but actively on the watch in search of wherein these freedoms are being challenged. Before we were a nation, the land was a place of refuge for En...

The American Sentinels of Empathic Capitalism / #thefreedompapers

We have a responsibility to raise our children as caring, ladies and gentleman who are savvy enough to join and participate in the national conversations we have in the United States of America. In fact, it is greatly needed that new voices challenge the conversational status quo, and in effect, move the balance of power to be more equally distributed upon an American populace that individually and rightfully activates their citizenship in the most responsible way and manner. To that end, parents and Educators, are of supreme importance in the creation of a new generation of Americans. Firstly though, you must know what the plan is and why that plan is the best blueprint to move forward. Once you agree to the idea, simply begin to advocate in your community to bring about such a reality. Surely, not all have to take on these professions, but having an understanding of their value creates an audience of intellectual minds who become as gatekeepers in allowing the...

Americans of A Stronger Breed / #theFreedomPapers

ā€˜The time is always right to do what is right.ā€™ Martin Luther King, Jr. At present, an average of 3,000 human abortions are committed daily in mostly poor, ethnic neighborhoods. What service is it to call oneself ā€˜Pro Lifeā€™ and then to prioritize an adherence to the abortionist strategy of a political party ahead of this value in a time wherein the movement to end child-womb slaughter is supporting an immediacy of attaining its goal? Such a ā€˜pro lifeā€™ position helps no one. It becomes a pro-choice position in actuality. Recently, Democrat House of Representative Congressman Dan Lipinski who had a strong pro life voting record was voted out of office, and his successor is in favor of abortion, in line with the majority of the Democrat congressional public office holders. We have the most pro life President in the historicity of the nation and states across the country are taking action to begin dialing back the practice of abortionism in their homes states. Oklahoma for exam...

The Next Level: A 2020 Republican/ Democrat Union Initiative

A Democrat/ Republican 2020 union for the United States of America can be had based on a unique platform that begins with starting a new conversation, and finally reaches a goal of strengthening the economy in an innovative and creative manner.  Neutralizing the Pro Choice Democrat leadership with a favoring of a pro life Democratic leadership reorganizes the balance of power. In such a new relationship, a continuation    of priority of focus, time, and energy can create a dramatic shift across the country in relatively little time ahead of the November 2020 Presidential election. Working together with the Pro life Republican Congress, President Trump can outflank the divisive, pro choice abortion Democratic lobby in favor of a better American union. The creation of such a team can both establish a solidified Democratic/ Republican union in agreement on legislating towards the protection of human life in the womb, and move forward with an economic package that ca...