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The Reform of the Special Educator (1090 words) / November 5, 2019

Part 1: A Strong Economic and Professional Foundation The profession of a Special Educator is a position that has largely been shaped in adherence to the wishes of employers, parents, and traditionally routinized instructional pathways created by private and public schools. It is a profession wherein the professional is told what their job is before they figure out that they have to be these innovative, artistic, entrepreneurial powerhouses of creativity, motivation, and dynamic service. Educator colleges literally train Special Educators to only work in school environments. The raising up and certification of such a peculiar teacher attains form in the educational colleges, yet and unfortunately, like cattle, these are immediately herded into the employment of large-scale academic operations, otherwise known as private and public schools. This construct limits the creative direction and range of thought and action of the Educator; their professional development and abilities are...

The Altruistic Diplomats of Empathic Capitalism

Intellectual discourse without adherence to a professional mode of interaction devolves the position of oneā€™s message. A balance in how we speak to one another and the strength of our message interplay together. How can the national conversation be moved forward and decisive action be taken when great political forces are at odds? (Increase the level of smart, genuine people.) Rhythm Why is it important to harness the power of intellect, more so than the power of physical force in order to achieve a desired end? Where and how does an American citizen start to respectfully exercise the right to critique, shape, and defend our system of governance? Are good manners important to employ as we become respectful, critical thinkers? Example #1: The    relationship between the military general and the Council Marcus Aurelius, in a speech included within The Columbian Orator, eloquently put forth to the Roman council of his time that his generalship was not beyo...

Reforming Education With Empathic Capitalism (560 words) #JFKlegacy #SoCent #business #education

Public schools in the United States of America are not teaching people to be enterprising community leaders; habitually innovative, experimental, collaborative, or to think on different levels. They are teaching core subjects without the capitalistic, socially-minded application of these in a meaningful way that places the thinking of ordinary Americans in terms of what they can do for their country. But youth and young adults with limited opportunities lose hope when the educational support systems to empower them are not preparing them to be all that they can be. If school is not fun, it may be that the students donā€™t readily see how what they are learning can be appplicable. Social enterprising has to be threaded in from the very beginning. Not only does empathic capitalism create new economy, but it puts our thinking on making life better for each other. People become passionate when they think and feel like they can really better their own lives. Give people the tools. Socia...

ā€˜A Million Points of Lightā€™ #SoCent #empathy #mentalhealth #entrepreneurs #financialliteracy #education #edchat August 21, 2019

Understanding that we have to be brought up to care for each other itself requires a willingness to first care. The empowerment of peopleā€™s wherewithal in a manner that makes them stronger, more readily active members of the community, begins with love. To those who have the passion and desire to focus great energy, we have to put everyone first, and ourselves last, again and again. We have to bring such a level of vigor to continual care that it repurposes our lifeā€™s work towards such an endeavor. How can this be done in such a way that it is deemed practical and relevant to American citizens? This is something that has to be taught and practiced, and it is best begun at an early age. Such an ideal may not reach deaf and blind hearts, nor will it be given more than a fanciful pause of thought, unless there is money involved. Because we need money to pay for things, and our time is valuable. We use time to work and make the money that pays for our food and living.  ā€˜We like our...

The Unplugged Patriots

The United States of America that has sprung since the 1960s, is one aligned with the culture that supports human abortion. It has largely been manufactured and altogether been a plastic creation of entertainment, arts and media that has seemed to explore new territories of thought and expression separate from the respect of upholding the protection of humanity in the womb. Since the early 1970s, millions upon millions of babies in the womb have had their lives ended. Through this era of apathy we have been conditioned to choose the manufactured culture before we were allowed an opportunity to understand the slaughter. It has even been so that a banalization of any challengers to such a cultural construct have been disallowed from strengthening, rising up, or growing as alternate contenders to such a system of living. Herein is a great truth and revelation, ā€œchallengers to such a cultural construct have been disallowed from strengthening, rising up, or growing as alternate conte...

Manhattan Originals Skateboard School, June 2019

Manhattan Originals Skateboard School, June 2019 Develop grit, mindfulness, functional balance and confidence. Special Educator Coach Bill, Director of Scalzi Originals Foundation (ScalziOriginals.US) Classes can be done at Tribca Skatepark and Pier 62 on the West Side. $50/ 30 minutes 1:1 $85/ 45 minutes

A Dynamic and Unique American Citizenry #edchat

Love does not destroy, but builds up, sustains, is patient, fierce, gentle, seeks to understand, and is of God. Taking a stand to protect freedom and liberty, and receiving an education that is effective enough to render one a free, open-minded, critically thinking person is essential to strengthening America. A new era for the United States of America is one wherein educational standards empower individuals to be creative, dynamic, critical thinking citizens. In the modern-day era of 2019, a time of great technological advances, the freedoms and liberties of American citizens has again been brought far below what it should be. We have been sold down the river again and told to love it. Our educational system is far-behind in the understanding of what style of American citizenry it should develop. The state of the union clearly shows the effect of our educational construct. We donā€™t create independent thinkers who ā€˜go forth, but followers who are told what to think. A great porti...