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Manhattan Originals Skateboard School, June 2019

Manhattan Originals Skateboard School, June 2019 Develop grit, mindfulness, functional balance and confidence. Special Educator Coach Bill, Director of Scalzi Originals Foundation (ScalziOriginals.US) Classes can be done at Tribca Skatepark and Pier 62 on the West Side. $50/ 30 minutes 1:1 $85/ 45 minutes

A Dynamic and Unique American Citizenry #edchat

Love does not destroy, but builds up, sustains, is patient, fierce, gentle, seeks to understand, and is of God. Taking a stand to protect freedom and liberty, and receiving an education that is effective enough to render one a free, open-minded, critically thinking person is essential to strengthening America. A new era for the United States of America is one wherein educational standards empower individuals to be creative, dynamic, critical thinking citizens. In the modern-day era of 2019, a time of great technological advances, the freedoms and liberties of American citizens has again been brought far below what it should be. We have been sold down the river again and told to love it. Our educational system is far-behind in the understanding of what style of American citizenry it should develop. The state of the union clearly shows the effect of our educational construct. We don’t create independent thinkers who ‘go forth, but followers who are told what to think. A great porti...

City On A Hill / #teachers #parents #community #USA

How we educate ourselves and each new generation has a direct effect on our valuing of human life and also how we make decisions in our daily life that impact self and community. It becomes imperative to the health of any community to shape hearts and minds to be free to form their own opinions and outlooks, and to give them the necessary tools and wherewithal to resist those who seek to take advantage of them as they come to greater awareness. It is imperative for the health of a people and for the strength of the family, that the eyes of our hearts be about how to be unique and original community innovators. Time is of the essence then to teach in the matters of critical thinking, of political science, and of financial literacy, of emotional intelligence, and of essay writing, of social entrepreneurship and of volunteering. To value the teaching of playing music and creating art, to integrate a physical education in our grade schools that breaks from only the doing of sports, ...

The Internal Freedom of Rhythm & Movement / #storydance #art #movementtherapy #specialeducation

The therapy of rhythmic movement to music moves oneself to connect with the harmony of self to the external world. In fact, it paves the way    for an internal/ external ‘bandwith’ to happen, bringing even communicative self-expression to the experience, much like a poem, or story spoken with muscle, bone, and conscious/ unconscious movement. Often times, the dancing practitioner finds that their flow of movement has a correlation with their emotional state of being and that this status can be affected through the cyclical consistency of the dancing.  Herein, exists the beginning of the therapeutic understandings of ‘movement therapy.’ The actual benefits are complex, profound, and so intricately layered-that without the allowance of the experiential wherewithal of a teacher in the matter, the deeper matters of verbalizing how this rhythmic movement to music heals from the inside out, is lost on the everyday practitioner in word, though not in the intuitive awaren...

It Was The Individual Liberty That Made Us Great / #geoeconomics #education #SonsOfFreedom

American geoeconomics pivoting to effect a better trade stance with China is an entirely reasonable monetary rebalancing, given the decades long reality of a market relationship wherein most of the transacted goods initiate with them, being sold to us, with far less of our more costly goods finding their ways on to their land. Their over one billion residents, as a whole, simply do not have the individual monetary spending power that the average American citizen employs, and with labor costs greatly connected to the average cost of living, China can exact a profit of its goods sold to us as it maintains a low labor cost. Due to lack of such labor-protective actualities in China, such as labor unions and a democratic reality allowing Chinese citizens to have power over their government, therein being empowered advocates over their economic livelihoods, the average factory working Chinese laborer’s return investment on their time and physical energy expenditure can be held to a p...

The Gardener’s Doggedness / #empathiccapitalism #business #finance #purpose #passion

A castaway may put a message in a bottle and never hear a response. The ocean is such a grand expanse of desert and moving currents.   The endeavoring of enriching community requires eyes that see, ears that hear, and a heart that moves in spirit and in truth. Alternating oneself from a sedentary position of observation and repose with one of decisive action; what does it mean if the purpose is futile or unclear? What does it mean if one is ill-advised? Almost 3,000 years ago, King Solomon’s son, King Rehoboam trusted in the council of his friends, rather than follow the wise and experienced council of his father’s advisors— he lost most of the kingdom in one day for being hard-hearted and unmerciful, choosing not to see the political balance before him, or listen to the community as to what could be copacetic for all on matters of taxes and financial tribute among the tribes. Empathic capitalism moves towards balancing business savviness and the care taking of communit...

February 5, 2019: The Control of the Extraordinary Power of the Ordinary American

The continued change of the corporate mainstream news entertainment cycle has at this point been clearly shown to be a slanted campaign of propaganda aimed at removing the President of the United States from his position. It is as if the news-media-entertainment-academic conglomerate is working in unison within itself to control the national information narrative, stoking its energy in line with a predetermined start to finish story, complete with the use of a nation-wide use of ‘identity politics’ that practices the deceptive operation of ‘transference.’ Implying, the actions of another are deceptively smeared onto others with the goal of magnifying the force of a larger narrative. Through this ‘black art’ operation people’s names are ruined, others are catapulted to ‘fame,’ and some are positioned and kept in power.  The emperors that maintain this strategy of   'narrative control'  appear to be ideological in their pursuit through their grip on the creati...