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ā€¦Of Gardeners, Tillers, and Peculiar Farmers: The Restoration of The United States of America (5 minute read)

ā€œA people who cannot think critically are a people who cannot defend their freedoms and liberties. Civic participation must emphasize: social enterprise application, writing, and public speaking to address social needs    & has to be taught in grade school.ā€ In my essay ā€œThe Missing Chapter in Any United States Citizens Manual,ā€ it is stated that two figurative threads have to join, in order to ā€˜render the professional labor work force most needed in the 21st century.ā€™ The determined educational deliverance of an open-minded, citizenship of critical thinkers and the creation of a 21st century work force led in vision and purpose by social enterprisers, or the practice of social entrepreneurship. These must thread into a strong rope, operating independently from local and national government involvement, thus becoming localized creators of economy, culture, and social purpose beyond the basic capitalistic focus of making monetary gain as the priority. The i...

God So Loved The World / a #poem #literature

God so loved the world that he descended into it. He was willing to suffer the vessels fitted for destruction,   that the holy vessels may have an example to follow. His arrival was anticipated by the rulers of the world; in the hope of stopping Him, they killed all young children two and under He descended from above unto a world spiritually in darkness; He became a shining light unto others bringing hope of a better calling, a surety of a deeper purpose. His disciples fanned out far and wide, moved by the passion of his Holy Spirit; they willfully endured scorn, scoffing, murder, and persecution. God so loved the world, seeing its inevitable demise,  he willfully loved us, in spite of ourselves We altogether have fallen, having chosen the pleasures of this world for a short season, rather than the separation of our spirit from this world He drew us out of many waters; and he inscripted us in turn, to st...

The Blueprint For The Missing Chapter In Any United States Citizens Manual

Their are two main threads that must join up, both being taught in grade school and onward, in order to render the professional labor work force most needed in the 21st century. Not looking onto local and national governments or international institutions for answers to social and environmental issues, but the individual undertaking of a business enterprise that banks on project-based mission of social good, encapsulates President John F. Kennedyā€™s call to have our thoughts and actions be about what we can do for each other, as opposed to what others, like the government, can do for us. ā€˜Weā€™ are empowered to be the the answer creators we have been waiting for; the role of the government thus becomes more limited in this paradigm mindset, economic management levers rest with the individual according to the tenacity of their work effort and the social worthwhileness of their goals. The First Thread Empathic Capitalism is simply a acute form of describing what could ...

A New Art Form / newest essay from @CoachBill007 (3 minute read)

Bringing about a new vision for the improvement of an American national community will not be a successful endeavor if it be a fragmented initiative lacking a clearly outlined understanding of what is needed to achieve a healthy communities, healthy individuals, and healthy economies. As it is, their are limitations to the solutions the federal government can offer leading to dynamic efficacy in the required resolutions to address long-standing social issues. Manifesting the actionable answers entails asking the right questions, in order to solve the actual problems. Unto whom should we look for leadership, and how do we replicate these kind of individuals on a grand scale? What are nonnegotiable qualities and characteristics that such leaders should exhibit, and how do we support their process, that it be efficient and effective in its undertakings? The notion of civic participation on a local and national level has had a series of adaptations over the decades, largely run...

Our Job In Preserving The Republic

. Critical thinkers purposed on defending freedom and liberty must operate on different levels. A basic education is one focused on the study of traditional academics, though largely bereft of the weightier, yet abstract matters of toning hearts and minds towards being outspoken, practical, courageous citizens in the constant defense of our freedom and liberties.  Has the age of increasingly smart, intrusive technology made itself readily apparent as the greatest threat to individual liberty? Who goes before us to stand calmly, gently, but with enduring resolve to bring into awareness the very prescient threats Americans face as individuals? We should not have a select few stalwarts, but a vast cornucopia of willing Americans bringing salient thought and respectful discourse forward. Is it heresy to call for the raising of a non-violent citizenry of altruistic, critical thinkers? Such a citizenry  can impact and effect the hierarchical order of informational...

Godā€™s Statesman / #AmericanPolitics #patriots #FrederickDouglass #humanrights #literacy

Frederick Douglass, the understated statesman, a colossus of intellect, refined passion, and force of God, was born exactly two hundred years ago, in 1818, straight into slavery. He was separated from his family, even purposefully bereft of the experience of knowing familial bond with his siblings, who for a time lived on the same plantation as him, and treated as less than a commodity. An anomaly of a human being was Frederick, in that he was inwardly driven to learn to read and write before he understood that those two attainments were the beginning of the passage toward his freedoms and liberty. Intellectual freedom, for Frederick-the black American slave, was the first and third bridge to complete freedom. Many had escaped to the ā€˜Northā€™ on foot, and if fortunate, through the ā€˜second bridgeā€™ network known as the ā€˜Underground Railroad.ā€™ It was Frederick Douglassā€™s increasing ability to read and write; which led to his growing ability to think critically, reflect, observe,...