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Our Job In Preserving The Republic

. Critical thinkers purposed on defending freedom and liberty must operate on different levels. A basic education is one focused on the study of traditional academics, though largely bereft of the weightier, yet abstract matters of toning hearts and minds towards being outspoken, practical, courageous citizens in the constant defense of our freedom and liberties.  Has the age of increasingly smart, intrusive technology made itself readily apparent as the greatest threat to individual liberty? Who goes before us to stand calmly, gently, but with enduring resolve to bring into awareness the very prescient threats Americans face as individuals? We should not have a select few stalwarts, but a vast cornucopia of willing Americans bringing salient thought and respectful discourse forward. Is it heresy to call for the raising of a non-violent citizenry of altruistic, critical thinkers? Such a citizenry  can impact and effect the hierarchical order of informational...

Godā€™s Statesman / #AmericanPolitics #patriots #FrederickDouglass #humanrights #literacy

Frederick Douglass, the understated statesman, a colossus of intellect, refined passion, and force of God, was born exactly two hundred years ago, in 1818, straight into slavery. He was separated from his family, even purposefully bereft of the experience of knowing familial bond with his siblings, who for a time lived on the same plantation as him, and treated as less than a commodity. An anomaly of a human being was Frederick, in that he was inwardly driven to learn to read and write before he understood that those two attainments were the beginning of the passage toward his freedoms and liberty. Intellectual freedom, for Frederick-the black American slave, was the first and third bridge to complete freedom. Many had escaped to the ā€˜Northā€™ on foot, and if fortunate, through the ā€˜second bridgeā€™ network known as the ā€˜Underground Railroad.ā€™ It was Frederick Douglassā€™s increasing ability to read and write; which led to his growing ability to think critically, reflect, observe,...

Sentinels In The Midst of Politicians / #theFreedomPapers #criticalthinking #media #education #government

Serious obstacles are in the way of how Americans approach conversing on a wide range of issues, and great challenges on what kind of leadership represents America have taken a seat in the domain of our governments leadership.  It seems to be that both Republican and Democratic Party congressional leaders can find common ground in matters of care taking for the natural environment and on immigration, if calm and collected congressional leaders can choose to work together for the good of these two issues. The divisive nature of how information is curated and released for public consumption, has played a vehemently divisive role in how the American people relate to any notion that progress can be had. This complex political strategy of how, when, and what kind of news information is released plays out straight as a game of what is known as ā€˜identity politicsā€™ on multiple stages stifling the organic, natural development of progress on any issue. Chief amongst the curator...

The Common Sense of Educating The Whole Person / #criticalthinkers #citizenship #theFreedomPapers

It does not seem to be that being outspoken, non-tribal critical thinkers are valued or rightly understood for what they can offer the local and national community. The established, public school educational order seems to disregard the creation of Americans with these mindsets, and appears to be tilted in favoring the shaping of minds primarily into important specific knowledge focuses (science, technology, education, math).  The creation, valuing and support of open-minded, non-tribal, ideologically free, moral critical thinkers is  one of  the greatest gifts any nation seeking to maintain individual freedom and liberty can give itself, because these protect and defend, not firstly with weapons made of iron, but with the intangible instruments of the mind: common sense, refined executive functions, and intellects crafted to become observant, analytical, fair and balanced in perspective, ever-ready to the questioning and refinement of oneā€™s education.  Edu...

The Empathic Capitalist: Non-Political News From the Social Entrepreneurial Front / #PuertoRico #positivedisruption

Santurce, Puerto Rico, USA Latest News: After speaking at length with various municipal government offices, one of them suggested that a signature petition effort to organize the local community around the formalization of the skatepark, garden, and fishing area would serve as a bulwark against government expropriation and possible purchase of the property by a private owner. The ā€˜Parque Punta Las Marias,ā€™ situated in San Juan, Puerto Ricoā€™s Atlantic coast in the Santurce neighborhood of Punta Las Marias, is heavily protected land by the local residents looking to keep it as a place of urban respite. It has been ground zero for a non-violent, community-driven turfwar symbolizing a microcosm of what has been happening to the island itself. Deep in bond debt, Puerto Ricoā€™s government has looked to develop local industry, garner outside investment, and sell-off land in order to stay as close to solvency as possible. At the same time, many Puerto Ricans have become increasingly invo...

The Innovation of Special Education: Meditative, Story Dance / #executivefunction #edchat #education

In special education, the ability to innovate with practical ways of developing and strengthening neural connectivity that leads to new ā€˜thinking pathways,ā€™ even alternative sequences of thinking process that create new mental perspectives, is both easy and challenging. The vast majority of Special Educators are stationed within a formal classroom environment, and thus, must work within the physical parameters of the school building and the individual educational plan agreed to in team meetings. Should the Special Educator adapt to more entrepreneurial outlooks, allowing for themselves to take on a much more independent thinking style in line with that of what is known as the ā€˜clinical educator?ā€™ Taking license from the entrepreneurial mode of production, clinical educators look first unto observing, reflecting, and studying how their own instructional approach, as a series of methods, strategies, mindsets, and fine-tuning of their professional relationship with those they teach,...