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Critical Thinkers Create The #NewEra / #criticalthinking #politicalscience #family #education

How does a teacher create understanding that leads to empowerment in his or her students? What can be done to impart value on the urgency of seizing the moments we call hours and days?   Why should new generations of students care enough to make themselves mighty? Where are the Frederick Douglassā€™s of our time? Are we not them? Is the time of greatness past? What needs to be instilled to create champions out of ourselves? Is it so that modern culture anticipates and downplays the rise of our greatness, switching it for a commercialized version of human achievement and performance?  Can it be so that we are oppressed, and donā€™t even know it? What is a critical thinker and why are they so valuable to society?  What are critical thinkers capable of producing?  How do we teach critical thinking? ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. The numbering of the above questions was not done in reverse of importance, but in reverse of impact to your intellectual digestion of the ...

Movement Of The Heart

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Build The Wall, End Sanctuary Cityā€™s & Be Compassionate / #DACA #politicalscience #criticalthinking #empathy #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

Has the United States government allowed or failed to retain foreign access to its Southern border, thus allowing millions of individuals to enter the country illegally, rather than through legal processes and channels? In 2009, I visited the Central American country of Guatemala. A land steeped in culture, history and a population of citizens living in striking contrast to one another. Whereas the indigenous population of Mayan-descent Guatemalans have largely managed to retain customs and ways traditional to the indigenous ways of the mountainous and volcanic land, Guatemalan cities teem with an economic reality that exemplifies class inequality and stark social-economic class differences. On the front page of the morning newspaper I read about legislators nonchalantly telling the local media that they showed up at 11 am in the morning for work and not sooner because none of the other legislators ever showed up earlier than that time. My then-brother-in-law at the time, commen...

The Success of Selflessness / #newera #empathiccapitalism #SocEnt

If it be so that you have a desire to develop, strengthen and care for the local, national and global community, it is important that you care for yourself first, less you begin to build a house without having made the appropriate provisions bountiful. Having great amounts of money and a personality is not enough, nor is having pristine physical health alone the winning attribute, but a penchant for developing the whole package of who you areā€¦ from the inside out first, rather than the outside in. Our mindsets, for example, drive us to hone our skills, rather than having great skills being the precursor to achieving a great mindset. Mental clarity, confidence and the unstoppable spirit needed to keep going long after you have begun the journey to make things better for others have to be notions to be kept in mind. Not knowing that the growth and fine-tuning of our heart and mindset is of tremendous value, risks an expenditure of your life energy without recompense for your...

Five Dimensional Chess: Understanding The Players, Their Objectives & The Requirements For Peace in the Middle East / #Israel #Palestine #strategy #criticalthinking

Part 1 -Understanding the Chess Players and Current Positions on the Game Board In chess, moving one singular piece forward without tactical backup, defense or collaboration can many a times spell the capture of that piece and signal futility in moves made to the advantage of an opponent who may be more judicious in how they ā€˜open upā€™ and establish their strategy. Their in, oneā€™s ability to create the outcome for victory can be sidelined in the short-term and narrow interest of simply galavanting across the board towards a skillful adversary. In the interplay of international relations, such as those between Israel and Palestine, it could be said that the chess board and number of pieces, even the number of players, have greatly expanded to become nothing less than a five dimensional game kept in stagnant check. Each side unwilling to forfeit the possibility of position, which can imply a loss of physical territory, loss of the political power of specific managing players, and ...

The Strength of the Executive Office /#theFreedomPapers #criticalthinking #leadership

ā€œYet knowing how way leads on to way..ā€ Robert Frost At the onset of the first tenure, after he had slugged it out through storms of snow, storms of rain and wind, storms of bullets and blood, storms of death, of victory, of defeat, of no provisions, of untrained men, of the uncertainty that comes with facing the most formidable army the world had at that time, George Washington was dealt a final battle of temptation. There is a myth that after all he had co-fought as he led the Continental Army to crush the British Red Coats, Washington was asked if he wanted to be Kingā€¦to be The King of America. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. If this myth be true, knowing how way leads on to way, could it be that General George Washington foresaw that power had to rest in the people, less the future of America repeat the ravages and unfair plight it eventually began to experience as an extension to an unfair monarchy? The Continental Congress, as it seems, led on with the energy and passion of John Adams, st...

When Will America Get A Chance To Be America? / #politicalscience #theFreedomEssays #USA

Idealism is nice, yet idealism that is too far removed from the realities of a present situation risks becoming nothing more than air castles in the sky. Finding common ground in a political maelstrom that is all too often directed by characters behind the scenes likewise risks becoming a futile exercise in impractical idealism. The truth of the matter may be that it behooves lobbying groups to seek the welfare of their deep-pocketed patrons to focus on the protection of their interests, even if it entails a narrow-minded scope of what is best for the operation of a country. In such a climate of lobbying groups, each representative of associations of corporations from singular industries, our elected officials are presented with the viability of receiving funding for their political campaigns to stay in office and therein perhaps achieve modest gains not just for their political patrons, but ideally, for the betterment of the country, if not there own political party, at the least...