updated 7/20/17 In the understanding of many, it is now clear that becoming exceedingly wealthy does not equate into obtaining great reservoirs of wisdom. It certainly does not render human beings with hearts and minds in balance and in accord with that of the creator, God. Found in religious scriptures the world over, the men and women prophets and prophetesses have not been resolutely those with vast sums of material wealth, though some have, such as Queen Esther (Book of Esther) and King David. More so than not, those with tremendous wisdom and understandingāthat is to say, those who have been bestowed with wisdom and understanding have obtained it through God and/ or through the study of self and life, such as Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. In the case of Buddha, he was actually an earthly prince who renounced his wealth, so the case can be made otherwise that in this instance, he may have obtained a strong foundation of education as an earthly prince, giving him a platfor...