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Officer Geronimo Yanez & Philando Castile / #usa

Part of the reality in keeping the freedom and liberty we enjoy in America is that these freedoms and liberties are continuously protected. We protect them through the practice of self-expression. We also protect these in being stewards to the local, national and global community. People who are soldiers, nurses, medics, men and women police officers, firefighters, teachers and even librarians represent a special front line in the protection of these freedomsā€¦ inalienable, God-given rights.  I will devote a series of essays, called ā€˜The Freedom Essays,ā€™ bringing forward the importance of how caring for ourself and others places us on the course of protecting the foundations of these very freedoms and liberties. This practice of sustained, goal-directed thinking is then, a mind exercise training that strengthens the ability to be a formidable defender of these liberties through being an educated, objective voice that advocates both for self and others. An excellent ex...

"This Nation Will Rise Up" / #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption #USA #Global #criticalthinking #edchat

Man On Fire updated 1:53 pm 6/20/17 We are fooling ourselves on how to go about answering the question on how to stop violent acts of terror. What is the one major, shared characteristic  of these people who have resorted to killing others senselessly? What do they all have in common? Where did their thought process get stuck and/ or go down the slippery slope of using murderous violence to get their message across? The answer is simple and right before us. The answer is not elusive but has to do with each of us, and each of us has a part in it. A part in having the ability to stop the murder of innocent people. Would you like to know what this answer is? Would you like to be safe in your neighborhood? Could it be possible that the action needed is as old as time itself? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, young and old, outlaw, misfit and goody two shoesā€¦ the answer is that we must take action to raise and value independent, critical thinkers who are habituate...

On Fire

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The Gag Of Intellectualism on Christianity / #religion #politics #drybones

"The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?" Matthew 10:24-25 Truly, in the United States of America, the outspoken Christianā€™s voice has been gagged and silenced in the name of tolerance and coexistence. The words of God as found in the King James version of the old and new testament can be likened to incendiary, revolutionary talk that is anti-establishment. But truth is a lion in the midst of opinions and spun narratives. Truth is not in need of defense and God is not mocked by the watered-down ā€˜corporate-cleanā€™ version of political correctedness that Christianity is allowed to be.  ā€œDonā€™t read the Old Testament!ā€ ā€œForget the book of Revelations!ā€ ā€œDonā€™t stay too long on reading about the crucifixion!ā€ ā€œRest all you want on Ephesians.ā€...

Creating Markets In Delegating to #SocEnt Critical Thinkers to Solve Environmental Challenges / #edchat #socialresponsibility

e As a possibility in side-stepping the debate on global warming, middle ground can be found in agreeing on concrete actions to be excellent caretakers of our land. Future environmental agreements that enter the United States of America with other countries into environmental pacts can reach greater consensus when the focus is shifted from the scientific debate on global warming to actionable decisions that lead to a cleaner environment.  This pathway creates the atmosphere necessary for bringing together opposing congressional views in Washington D.C. on environmental health and how to best address the support and actions needed to take care of the land. This kind of alternative asks that genuine agreement be found in actionable steps that lead to cleaner rivers, lakes, oceans and land. Focus on action, rather than on debate takes a great amount of initial politics out as an initial challenge to expediting practical solutions in place. Support of social entrepre...

Loving the Walking Wounded / #suicide #PTSD #veterans @wwp @whitehouse @deptvetaffairs

It is said that every day we lose a soldier/ veteran to suicide. A steady flow of tragedy besets the country and its families as each of these mighty men (and women) whom the nation has invested greatly into take their own life, usually after their time in service. Every day the lights go  out for at least one of them. It is cause for concern. With all the individual, unfolding events that occur within the nation, a din of information seems to drown out key happenings that desensitize us collectively to the diverse constant losses we endure as a country. What is more, we must all pick ourselves up to go to work the next day, seek to create happiness and peace through it all and live out our lives to the best of our abilities. This is good. To keep moving forward is important, rather than to stagnate, dwell and stop forward engines. But there must be some of us who stop to look back and tow those that have fallen, yet are not gone. There must be some of us...

Prayer For Harlem /#positivedisruption #newera #USA

Prayer For Harlem /#positivedisruption #newera #USA Sensibleness sais #EveryLifeMatters