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Skateboards For Hope #interview #SocEnt #goodwill #skateboarding #global #Servantleadership

Having vision and purpose to affect our local, national and global culture is a lofty and noble idea which may sound nice but in reality, involves sacrifice, smart work, focus, effort, patience and tremendous perseverance. In our stock market driven global economy, money is king and lots of it seems to be sign of success. But is it possible that their are some success stories which are perhaps more important than the dollar given the time money has  historically had to bring about positive change in the limelight? Can business and goodwill somehow create a marriage made in heaven? How do we bring about hope and positive change into the life of people when we are not the heads of multi-national corporations with deep pockets?  As part of the continued growth of the social enterprise endeavor I am spearheading, one that brings together typical and special needs youth into the American Originals Skateboarding League, my interest in other similar, yet different soci...

The Woman Who Electrified Book Reading for Children / #reading #literature #servantleadership

It all first started when I was in college studying for my Political Science degree. On Summer and Winter breaks I would come home and her literature would be the focus of my sisterā€™s life. The commotion across the country regarding the literature could be felt in the air. Everywhere, young ones were reading her books, and not only that, reading them at incredible speeds. People could not get enough of her stories.  At the time I reflected on my own voracious interest in reading prior to diving into the study of philosophy and how this applied to the international relations between countries, countries and people and individuals contributive impact upon culture. Reading books was a thing of mine growing up. Both my mother and late-father were constant readers, especially Dad. He always had a new book he was reading and was an avid customer of book stores. I had my book shelves lined with my own read books. I appreciated my read books like the football trophyā€™s I woul...

All That Matters / #mindfulness #family #community

Our lives move so quickly. The days race on as we live them out. My father, maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother all passed away within a five year period. I consider the life investment we had put into each other and how they are now gone, yet their investment is still with me. Some of these memories were simply sitting next to one another towards the end of their life span. I consider my time with my own children and see how fast they grow, how ā€˜all of a suddenā€™ they are in new epochs of their lives.  What is important?  The successful English businessman, Richard Branson points out that he does not see work as work and play as play, but both as extensions of his life. The social enterprise I am forming with the people of various towns, a competitive skateboarding league training youth to develop executive function skills while creating social opportunities for typical youth and those with special needs to mentor and positively impact each other re...

We are all his vesselsā€¦ tabernacles housing spirits. #positivedisruption #USA #America

Atheist, religious, spiritual or what have you, we all belong to a singular Intelligent Creator. The gold is his, all the cattle is his, he numbers the very hairs on our head, his Spirit sees straight through us into the thoughts and intents of our heart. There is nothing hid from him who endured the vessels of wrath with long-suffering and patience. He is love itself, unrestrained from human religion, its dogma, its rituals, its history and its practices. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. The Real Elite When we fight, we do not go after your name or face, but after your soul. When we take our weapons out, our life speaks an ancient language that guide our hearts. We move so fast that you can not discern we have reached your heart of hearts till afterwards. Our life is precious in His eyes, but we count it as nothing His peculiar grace having drawn us out, rests on us Our energy, worth more than gold, ā€™yea, than fine gold;ā€™ We put it cheerfully to the service of goo...

ā€˜The revolution will not be televised.ā€™ / The #PositiveDisruption of #America 2 #SoCent

Ainā€™t nothing wonderful gonna come out of Washington D.C. Keep watching that way and remain captivated by the carrot stick that never arrives. The true change happens back on Main Street while Wall Street goes off to gamble and the 1-3% applaud themselves for ratcheting up the stock market. Back on Main Street everything is as it has been. Gentrification continues to develop real estate within low-income neighborhoods masquerading as educational development of the community. Uneducated men resort to horrific crime. Adolescents left to their own devices falter. Hopes and dreams are few and far in between for many youth. Washington D.C. politicians are far removed from what life actually is for their constituents who hail from lower-income brackets. National complacency and a numbing feeling that the leader is doing all they can to ā€˜make things betterā€™ permeates across the U.S.A. Decades pass on and the proof is in the pudding. We go back into the same cities, towns and ne...

Thanksgiving: It does not have to be a myth / #Socialentrepreneurship #Positivedisruption #America

There are a but a few things that can deliver such an epic wave of social good as the creation of machines of social entrepreneurship. Show generations of people how to build their own ā€˜machines,ā€™ give them the ā€˜know howā€™ to effectively and efficiently manage and succeed in coupling business with empathy and we create a seismic shift into strengthening the foundational principles on which this country was birthed from. In past essays, I have written on the importance to address the needs of urban and rural youth by making skateboarding parks ubiquitous. Skateboarding is an executive function skill-toning activity that replicates the emotional control, grit, perseverance and goal-directed persistence needed in other parts of our lives. Riding the wood planks on rolling wheels in special skate ā€˜flowā€™ parks remains  a novel, repetitive and fun, Olympic-sport deemed exiting by scores of youth, and an alternative for those who may want to try something different to the traditio...

Why Does The Caged Bird Sing? / (Writings of a Free Man) #positivedisruption #freedom

We live in a ā€˜free country,ā€™ but somehow we live lives that can feel as if it is hard to move on out from the stations we find our lives in. This may not apply to all. Some are able to find, nay, create contentment in whatsoever period of their life they be in. These are able to create freedom. To carve it out through their presence which ultimately manifest into action. In this essay, I explore and delineate how we can do just that. Carve and create freedom in whatsoever station of life you may be in. I ask, delve and dive deep under the surface of the waves to simplify how easily we can reach the feeling of freedom and in doing so, be an example unto others to feel and generate this freedom for themselves. These are acts of love and good works unto ourselves and others. We need not be restrained with chains of air, especially when we hold the keys to unleashing and channeling our soul power. When I was young, even as young as five, I noticed that I was an observerā€¦ l...