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Control The Flow / #thisAmericanQuilt #immigration #USA #democracyinaction @POTUS

Let us say you have a big party with a guest list of seven hundred special invitees. You live in a big house with s sprawling property and have the means to afford such an event. For weeks you plan and prepare the music, the food, the attire and the people whom you would like to attend. On the night of the party, the three hundred guests arrive and you are at ease because you made the preparations for seven hundred. There is enough of everything to go around. Their are enough tables and silverware set out, the amount of food needed has been proportioned and there is space enough for everyone on the dance floor to get their groove on. Now let us say that you are one popular cat and many hear of your party beyond those who have been invited to invite. In fact, hundreds more covet entrance to your special party, which if given free entrance, would soon overwhelm the dance floor, the required food portions, the mount of tables and silverware needed and overall space to ...

The Power You have To Turn Your Lights On

The Power You have To Turn Your Lights On a live poem in New York City...

The Power You have To Turn Your Lights On

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True Justice Is All-Mighty / #abortion #LionHeart #USA @POTUS #thisAmericanQuilt

Jesus, born to a daughter of God, Mary, of the line of King David had a such an energy effect that his arrival on earth became perfectly timed and synchronized with the hearts of wise men, some would call kings, far east of Israel.  The arrival of his kingdom was heralded for thousands of years. He was announced by the prophets as of from everlasting and timeless, with peace, righteousness, justice and love being his platforms. ā€œBut thou Bethlehem Ephratah. though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. ā€¦And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth. And this man shall be the peace.ā€ Micah 5: 2-5 When shepards heard in the field heard of it they ran to praise the birth, as well. R...

The Power Of Love / #brotherskeeper #altruism #empathy #servantleadership

ā€œā€¦but God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.ā€ The Acts 10:28b And what business are we to be about? The Lord said to be about his business. Is it to one-up each other for advantage in a battle of ideas and political will? What is this business that God directs us to? In Psalm 51:17, God spoke through David and said that he cares not for the sacrifices of burnt animal offerings, for what is he to do with that? Incense is nothing to him, in fact, the nations are but a drop in the bucket to Him. Instead, the Lord sais that the sacrifices he seeks are a brokenhearted and contrite spirit that seeketh His face, to do his commandments with a cheerful heart. With that attitude, God will gladly accept all that we give unto Him. To do his business is truly to heal the brokenhearted, to bind up the wounds of each other, to bring light into each others lifeā€¦ to do good without looking for a recompense or a credit from man.  Recently,...

Call The Firefighters / #woundedwarriors #autismparents #police #seniors #veterans

Call The Firefighters / #woundedwarriors #autismparents #police #seniors #veterans Movement Therapy coaching tips for veterans\, medics, autism parents, police and individuals with various special needs.

Positive Disruption in the Holy Land / #OurHumanityByTheWayside #socialresponsibility #skateboarding @Israel @Palestine

Like in the United States, most individuals and families seek healthy opportunities to further their education and well-being, if given the chance. Invariably, there will always be elements looking to destabilize peace and a Palestine State coexisting peacefully with an Israeli state. Would country families in the rural regions of Israel and Palestine consider taking a part in a mega-skatepark initiative with routine skateboarding contests involving both Palestinian and Israeli family youth? These parks could dot the land complete with skateboarding schools that are inclusive of both nationalities. Building them within Palestine and Israel is important, as is building the largest skateparks between heavy tension points, including in and around Jerusalem and rural lands that are contested. Done quickly and magnanimously enough, the simple action of building these and sustaining the vision of why they are being built, would cause a ā€˜brothers keeperā€™ effect, dir...