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America the Fake-Democracy / #understanding #servantleaders #USA

How does democracy die? Do we have democracy now? I understand that education leads to empowerment and the lack thereof maintains a dual purpose, wherein one people is in darkness and the other controls the gate. This kind of system is not a democracy but a tyranny, albeit, one with a smile. In my reflections on the trajectory that has brought me to the present, I consider how my lack of understanding has in many ways restrained my ability to radiate the God-given strength that is innate in me, such as exists in all fellow man and woman. Likewise, I understand how a purposefully-broken public educational system keeps peoples intellect duped and suppressed with a glass-ceiling. Understanding is brought forth to serve the means of an established hierarchical system of governance which in and of itself seeks to simply remain in power to further its agenda. The story is as old as time. Throughout my professional career as an educator and in my walk as in imperfect...

#DanceTherapy & #SpecialEducation: The Greatest View / #WestportCt

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#DanceTherapy & #SpecialEducation: The Greatest View / #WestportCt

Is the teacher or the student mainly responsible for creating educational success?

Is it the responsibility of the teacher or the student to pave the road for success in the education environment? What happens in the physical education class of twenty students whereby seven have above average gross-motor skills, ten are right on, and three seem to fall behind? In a school setting with a forty-five minute class duration, the impetus is for the teacher to ā€˜runā€™ the class as best as possible, rather than teach to the lowest common denominator. ā€˜Stragglersā€™ can tend to ā€˜fall behind,ā€™ and soon enough class is over. This can repeat over and over again, week after week, semester after semester.  What happens to the three students after many classes is that they begin to develop a sense of failure which is confirmed by the teachers continued approach in orchestrating the class. Is the student at fault or is it the responsibility of the teacher to better integrate these three into the class? As a teacher of thirteen years and a father of three, I alwa...

Be The Change You Wish To See In The World. A CoachBill.US dance video.

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Be The Change You Wish To See In The World. A CoachBill.US dance video.

#theLittleOnes and a Poem / #positivedisruption #God

I woke up and thought of the Lordā€™s prophets and teachers of old. Most made no money or enjoyed  any kind of material success, except some of the kings, like David. Elijah did not write New York Times best-sellers or become financially successful from creating smart phone apps. Moses did actually pen a few books it is said and was the Duke for all intents and purposes, yet he had to pine away in the desert for eighty years living in a tent constantly on the move and tolerating an unruly crowd. He had no stock invested in Wall Street. Muhammad lived a simple man and left the earth without material riches. Abraham was materially rich indeed, as was Job, the great-grandfather of David, and Joseph who became the ruler of Egypt under Pharaoh. But most of the Lordā€™s men and women were simple folk who did their duty and then were executed, even Godā€™s own son, Jesus.  As a young man I thought how could I best live my life in service to God? What would I be and do? How would...