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#WashingtonOriginals Soccer Air Dribble Invitational / #community #positivedisruption #SouthNorwalk #Connecticut 9/3/16

@WashingtonOriginals Saturday, September 3, 2016  Ryan Park 6-7 pm  with Coach Bill, MA SpEd scheduled activity:  soccer air dribble practice Cognitive-Physical Development in the heart of South Norwalk, Connecticut. rain date: Sunday 9/4/16, 6-7 pm

In service to others our hearts stay light. / #Syria #refugees #family #community #skateboarding #liberty #freedom

Right now there is war and tragedy in Syria. The boy in this picture has lost family and is probably not Judeo-Christian. Should my empathy run on certain lines, yet not on others? Is not humanity a family? Being a brothers and sisters keeper puts our focus on being servants to others and the overall welfare of the community. The mind goes into a foresight-mode geared towards looking for ways to be of service.   Is Syria a lost case? Did we ever think there would be skateboarders roaming in Afghanistan? Over a decade of Soviet occupation and nearly two decades of official U.S. and allied force occupation, the tension between armed forces bent on different purposes over the Afghani-land has been something of an enigma. The people of Afghanistan are a simple people. They are either ā€˜from the land,ā€™ or are focused on going about their business. They are sheep headers, farmers, servant leaders, skateboarding girls, traders, and artists. More than anything, they ar...

Big John: A Tank of A Man / #OperationLovingkindness #Harlem #NYC #positivedisruption #servantleadership

The more I practice serving others directly in the community the more my eyes acclimate to a different world that contrasts between empathy and evidences of apathy. My attitude as I initiate #OperationLovingkindness in Harlem, New York is one of humility. I begin by introducing myself and my purpose of bringing a revival of community and family in Harlem and then I begin to listen. I take stories from people who have shown selflessness, I bring energy and take smiles. John was sitting in a ā€˜walking-chairā€™ for seniors, just like the one my own grandfather had the last years of his life. John is a father of two, and grandfather of seven. It was about eleven oā€™clock in the morning when I began a conversation with him after seeing his pin-studded soldiers cap. I shared that my late-father served also and that I missed him. I then asked John if I could ask him some questions to write a part of his story on my blog and I requested to take his picture, to which he agr...

You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. @MichaelPhelps @Olympics #socent

You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. -Michael Phelps The growth mindset is a central piece to Michael Phelp's mastery attainment as a swimmer. This mindset is as old as time and has also been called the ā€˜champion mindset.ā€™ A term I interchange with the growth mindset, which is to focus on the process, instead of focusing on a desired end result only. The end is not justified by the means, and how we go about attaining our victories is more valuable than attaining the victory itself.  Mr. Phelps has been an Olympian since the year 2000, starting in Sydney, then Athens in 2004, and Beijing in 2008, followed by London in 2012 and Rio de Janeiro in 2016. In each of these competitions win or lose, Phelps focused on the process, rather than the end result. In Sydney, Phelps finished strong but did not get a medal. This did not deter him. By using practice strategies and effective coaching to help himself be better ,Michael Phelps h...

Be a #GameChanger like #RobertoEnriqueClemente / @pirates #brotherskeeper #hotterthanfireforothers #lion

Over 3,000 hits. Golden glove winner. World Series champion. World Series Most Valuable Player. All-Star, All-American, child of God. He was incredibly concerned with taking care of those less fortunate. He didn't have to. He was already a good man. With his loving wife, Vera Cristina Zabala, Roberto Enrique would fly their and back again and again on small airplanes to such lands as Nicaragua in Central America to clothes the poor and bring hope. A friend of my father and a fellow U.S. Marine, Roberto Enrique Clemente was top-of-the-line major league baseball player. He played eighteen years as a Pirate for Pittsburgh, wearing his stripes for all to see. A humble man who put his brothers and sisters first, even when these brothers and sisters were from faraway lands and could never, ever repay him. He was about doing the business of his Father. A little light, a real star which no second death could extinguish, just like all the children of God. Roberto Enrique Clemente ...

It is Time to Rise Up for #EachOther / #brotherskeeper #PuertoRico #newlevel #community #SocEnt #thisAmericanQuilt

Puerto Rico... I am one of your sons. Could you imagine a new nation? Could you imagine a new day? Would it be possible that we could rise together, take the best of our past and shoulder on to the future with a new outlook on how life could be here on the island? I see armies of young adults with gladness in their hearts and passion in their bellies desirous to positively disrupt the way business is done. I see a Puerto Rico looking to catapult itself into a new dawn where the imagination of young and old metamorphosizes into one of entrepreneurial purpose. I see a Puerto Rico where young men and women, old timers and ladies move away from simply working to live and be happy, to a vision where our work becomes an adventure on bettering our island from the inside out. We have everything we need. Puerto Rico is special and unlike anywhere in the world. A land steeped in a unique culture. A people who are red, hot and full of life. We have natural resources and an agricultu...

Changing Our Ways: Exercising From The #Insideout / #passion #purpose #brotherskeeper

The older we get the harder it is to change our ways. Our ways form mental habits complete with brain circuitry, like roads which facilitate our thinking patterns. These can be changed and the younger we are, the more apt our mental flexibility is, allowing us to change the course of our habits like pivoting on a dime. Setbacks on the road to bring about real change in our life can stem from lack of clarity of purpose, low physical energy, inadequate support by family and community and a non-serving attitude which toughens our hearts against instilling lasting positive changes. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ Recently, I have been asked what I do for a living many times. I give my generic, surface answersā€¦ I am a Special Educator, I am an artist, an Executive Function Skills Coach and co-founder and teacher in a skateboard company start-up. I am then asked what kind of art I make, to which I reply, I create dance videos which are focused at changing the way special education i...