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Flexing Freedom

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#AmericasRevival: #ServantLeaders Understand the Game / #InsideOut #EpicCommitment #positivedisruption

Can a concerted effort will arise if we all each seek our own? Does good will sustain if we turn our hearts away after a time? Could mental illness be warded off by living a life of servant leadership?  A life of service for others harvests can foster happiness, and hearts and minds that place people before profit shore up peace from the inside out. Taken like a scientific formula, fomenting unique social enterprises which align oneā€™s interest with the local, national and global communities needs in mind and heart becomes a win-win for the bottom line of the individual and the community-at-large. Invariably, this can employ an infinite number of business dynamics under the umbrella term social enterprise. Entry into this industry is so easy that even a child can do it by having a lemonade stand that directs a portion of the proceeds towards a social good. In effect, the lemon selling-business kid becomes a social entrepreneur. In the age o...

@ScalziOriginals Skateboard Company Mission / #socent #servantleaders #edchat

A holocratic organization has been purposefully established at Scalzi Skate Park, in Stamford, Connecticut. Our particular form of holocratic organization is rooted in the concept of leading through service to others and decentralizes leadership allowing the company to be led by any team member. The Scalzi Originals Skateboarding Company has a co-founder base that retains full ownership of the company, yet ideas and tactical leadership implementation from any person in our organization is encouraged, discussed and followed-upon. Everyone matters. The individual strengths of each team member is unique and is integrated supporting increased operations management. What We Do With clarity of purpose, we focus on toning executive function skills, social-emotional skills and cognitive-physical synchronicity by teaching skateboarding to typical youths, as well as those with special needs, like autism and Downs syndrome. Why We Do It We want to serve our community in dynam...

@ScalziOriginals Skateboard Company Mission / #socent #servantleaders #edchat

A holocratic organization has been purposefully established at Scalzi Skate Park, in Stamford, Connecticut. Our particular form of holocratic organization is rooted in the concept of leading through service to others and decentralizes leadership allowing the company to be led by any team member. The Scalzi Originals Skateboarding Company has a co-founder base that retains full ownership of the company, yet ideas and tactical leadership implementation from any person in our organization is encouraged, discussed and followed-upon. Everyone matters. The individual strengths of each team member is unique and is integrated supporting increased operations management. What We Do With clarity of purpose, we focus on toning executive function skills, social-emotional skills and cognitive-physical synchronicity by teaching skateboarding to typical youths, as well as those with special needs, like autism and Downs syndrome. Why We Do It We want to serve our community in dynam...

Two Sides to the Same Coin / #CivilWar #America #lovingkindness #sinOfslavery #RobertELee #AbrahamLincoln

On my fatherā€™s side my family fought against each other in the American Civil War. Protecting ideals, a way of life, family and oneā€™s community was on the forefront of their minds and hearts. With such a burgeoning nation, Americans were beginning to live far from the original thirteen colonies. Their was expansion to the west towards the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and south towards the Floridian panhandle. Life was quite differentiated across different swaths of the United States. In the north, the yankees were focused on growing trade and communication with the world, expanding the military and  beginning to more seriously address the sin of slavery. Slavery was a topic of discussion gaining popular ground. In the south, life was much more tranquil. Plantation owners controlled huge parcels of farm land and developed their crops for sale in America and beyond its shores. Their farm lands were worked by human beings who were owned and directed to work for their masters...

Michael Jackson, Beat it by CoachBill007 #autism #Selfexpression

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@ScalziOriginals Skateboarding School Vol 2

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