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The #PositiveDisruption of HarrietTubman / #America #thisAmericanFabric #slavery #liberty #women @potus

Every so often, perhaps once every hundred years, a certain dynamic of attributes rests on the shoulders of a human. They become driven to go beyond the norm and their grip on treasuring their own life is placed second to the yearning of doing all they can to bring balance to their environment. Born as a material possession to a slave owner, Mrs. Harriet Tubman was repeatedly whipped and beaten as a child; her life meaning less than nothing to her slave masters. Her parents, being slaves also, were powerless to protect their daughter. Harriet's life was fixed. Her unpaid, unrewarded toil under the sun is all that she was expected to know and do as a slave. Their was no expectation for her other than to do as she was told and to then die. That was not enough for Harriet "Minty" Tubman. She decided that she would not go down silently to her grave and resolved to pray to the Lord for her liberty. First she prayed that her slave owner change his heart regarding s...

We are Born in the Womb & with Care, We Grow #InsideOut / #risetogether #EpicCommitment #America

We are born and with care, we grow.  It has been and still is a fact that some people are born without the right to live. Others can own this right over them. We live in a day and age where this still occurs in just about every major city in the United States of America. During the time of the U.S. Civil War, which ended in the beginning of the summer of 1865, human beings with dark skin pigmentation fought shoulder to shoulder with others who thought and felt that all men and women had the right to God-given rights to live at peace and be able to pursue their happiness as they see fit. No longer could someone in America ā€˜ownā€™ another person. This included having a say in the life of a pregnant woman and the growing human being in her womb, the life of an elderly man, or a young child. The slave master owned that person against their will. Forty acres and a mule robbed from their families abruptly taken from their land ā€˜galleyed' in the lower decks of b...

#TownHall Meeting for #Norwalk & #SouthNorwalk Residents @ its Amphitheater / #familyfirst #revitalization

Invitation to all Norwalk Residents South Norwalk Town-Hall Meeting Where :  S outh  N or walk /  W ashing ton   Vill a ge   Amp hi th eat e r When : Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 6:30 pm Why :   S tart Y outh,  F a m i l y  Programs Soccer Baseball Basketball Rugby Chess Theater skateboarding dancing art music Facebook: Revitalize South Norwalk Community Center

Where the Rubber Meets the Road / #socialentrepreneurship #publicschools #newday #economy #positivedisruption

Should social entrepreneurship be practiced in grade school?  Can this passionate occupation bolster local economies and tone the vibrancy of what it means to have a cohesive community? Understandably, not everyone wants to be entrepreneurial or may be fit to be an entrepreneur. It is a constant hustle with no one to tell you to move faster, slower or more precisely. There is no glamour in failing constantly and there is no one to pat you on the back when you succeed. But when the entrepreneur turns the focus on strengthening the fabric of their community the future begins to include a great number of people who's hearts are moved to direct their own shoulders to the plow. Caring for others can become dynamic and unique. No large corporation has cornered the market on what it means to be a social entrepreneur. The wonderful aspect of this practice is that our own individuality can shine through our work to help others raise their quality of living.  The social entrep...

Responding to Terror with Love on the Sleeve / #Orlando #thisAmericanQuilt @potus #socialresponsibility #faith

An individual can enter a room and change the atmosphere with their presence.  You can enter a discussion and shift its direction. A person can amplify thoughts and feelings and facilitate positive disruption on a global scale. Without taking credit, without seeking fame, without looking for glory, a man, woman or child can be a catalyst to change the thread humanity. Without claiming ownership, a holocracy of love and hope can turn us all on fire for each other.  How can we effect a change we can believe in? What actions are consistently required to positively disrupt humanity on a local, national and global scale? How is it possible in this day and age for individuals to become empowered to lead where the leadership is needed? ........................................................... About a month ago, the exhausted 'tensionators' in my car's engine ripped one of the belts for the second time making the steering wheel freeze up...

The Return of the Town Hall Meeting to South Norwalk / #positivedisruption #communityfirst #gentrification #socent

Everyone enjoys a nice neighborhood. No one likes to grow up in squalor and poverty. In the best of cases, the redevelopment of neighborhoods includes a sincere, genuine plan to empower the poor people of a village rather than create a small percentage of affordable housing for some of them while booting out the rest in favor of folks with deeper pockets. At Norwalk's city hall, Mayor Harry Rilling and the departments he supposedly guides and manages has been focused on making Norwalk a more lucrative place amongst the Fairfield County towns. But his idea of growth leaves all the poor people behind and throws in a mega mall as the welcome mat to what could be a city with great character. In its ghetto, which is called Washington Village, the mayor and his Norwalk Redevelopment Agency have big plans. The plan, recently stuck down by the courts was to create an urban apartment complex village to replace the plantation-style brick buildings that currently house a mostly Afri...

Floating like a Butterfly, Stinging Like A Bee / #positivedisruption #socialresponsibility #MuhammadAli

Muhammad Ali Flying like a butterfly and stinging like a bee takes practice. It is a bit of a dance coupled with great timing. Risking all of one's accomplishments and putting it all on the line to stand up for your values takes courage and boldness. Muhammad Ali, a young poet did these with a smile and a sense of humor that led to victories long before he entered the boxing rings of his life. The 'greatest of all time' helped lead a generation of Americans to take license and draw their own line in the sand by his role-modeling. Bringing goal-directed persistence, exceptional behavior modulation and even greater mental flexibility led to his titles while his poetic oratory sprinkled a different way to practice chivalry awakening many of his skin color to shake off the slumber of degradation in a time when civil rights, including the equality of man and the pursuit of happiness for many Americans were being fought for. Muhammad Ali was a poet and father who became ...