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When Parents have to Fight to Be Parents / #family #community #doingtherightthing #justice

It is possible for one or a group to be so focused on a desired goal that they will begin to relax their convictions on how to go about achieving those aims. Formalities are dropped and insincerity takes hold in situations like this. It becomes necessary to do so once one's principles are put aside and an aim becomes an overarching imperative. Sometimes it is possible that the one or the group bypasses common decency and blinds themselves to good principles. However, it is my experience that achieving great feats is never permanent when one's principles are put by the wayside. In that same fashion, it is quite common to subscribe to bias and unproductive alliances in order to maintain a status quo that is not in line with what is right and good. For a time, this strategy may seem to be victorious in the eyes of the one or that group who have suspended their principles in search of a desired goal or upholding of a desired status quo. History shows that doing the wrong thi...

#PauloPenella & the Story of the Leaning Tree / #socialresponsibility #youth #duty #honor #country #Greenwich #Connecticut

Paulo had a cane and walked slowly. As I exited the doors he simply stared at me. I could tell he wanted to speak with me. His eyes told me to come over to him and then his arm waived me over. He had as of yet to speak with his mouth. A calm-looking man of few words who paced himself in the few steps he took as I walked over to him. Paulo, of Italian heritage with a U.S. Army cap picked up his cane and pointed it at an aged tree leaning at a 15 degree angle to one side. "Rats eat this tree, " he said to me. "Hi, sir! Ok. Let me see. Show me." "Look!" He pointed with his cane again as we approached the tree stepping off the asphalt driveway. We ambled into the thicket of dead leaves and dry branches. Again, he lifted his cane, this time poking the tree in its rotten belly. "Rats have eaten it up and it will fall." He now pointed to the preschool labeled 25 Valley Drive. I asked him if he knew who I was. He said nothing to that. ...

#Hoarding - Filling the Voids in the Heart & Mind / #family #community #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

In my last blog post, I spoke, in part, of the Jesuit-philosophy and its impact in my childhood upbringing and graduate studies. A Jesuit I am not though. That said, the underpinnings central to its credence can easily be viewed as somewhat universal. In the instruction of man and woman, that the educator and learner seek to empower mind, body and soul (the heart). This balance is pivotal to forming and maintaining health within us and by extension, our communities. Keeping the physical body toned and in shape is smart, as is keeping the mind in good physical and emotional health. Moreover, the state of oneā€™s non-physical ā€˜heart,ā€™ as in the soul, is of vital importance as well. A lack of balance in one of these three will always manifest itself in some way, shape or form in our lives, placing pressure on the other aspects of our being. Balance is good then and heeding or acting on this understanding is wise and fruitful to one, their family and the community they live in. ...

We Only Rise if We #RiseTogether / #positivedisruption #eachother #community @Fordhamnotes #FordhamUniversity

ā€œA word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.ā€ Solomon in proverbs 25:11 #theBronx African, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Hatian, Irish & Italian Fordham University Caucasian and Asian #theBronx A melting pot filled with flavor and sazon Fordham University All salt and no pepper! ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ So goes my poem created yesterday at the White Castle on Holmes Street. Just yesterday I ventured in to technicolor borough of the Bronx in New York City. It is a fascinating land filled with action, sound and bustling. As many of us know, it has a beautiful botanical garden deep in its heart providing the opportunity of respite to all who want to move away from the concrete for a change. Past it is the door to its ā€˜downtownā€™ area with Fordham Universityā€™s sprawling campus which is also serene and expansive in its own right. It is Jesuit school like the one I graduated from, Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut. I am we...

The Beginning of US / #resolve #goforth #leaders #softskills #empathy #grit #parents #family

The beginning of us starts inside, deep inside. The resolve to 'go forth' must be stronger than the tendency to leave it all to rot. My father was by no means a perfect man.. who is? Yet from an early age, he taught my sisters and I the value of resolve. He would say over and over again to us, "you were born to lead, you were born to lead." This, of course, ruined us. It made us tougher than tough in all the right places, as if we were invincible to failing because no matter what, we were primed to just keep getting back up. That is the growth mindset as it is called these days. Back then, Dad called it perseverance, toughness and 'firing out.' When I played football, Dad was on the lines always giving me his eye which I would catch for extra resolve. As I got older and moved through the divisions I got tougher and tougher until I thought of myself as 'all steel.' When I was at the line of scrimmage, my father told me to act meaner than a junkyar...

#JacaiColson a Quiet Hero for His #Community / Using our #Foresight and #EmotionalIntelligence to Change Our Culture

Jacai Colson was twenty eight years old. A very young man doing his duty as a police officer. Four years he served his  Landover, Maryland community serving and protecting with his presence. He was murdered yesterday for no reason. A man came up to Officer Colson's police station and opened fire. There was no announcement. There was no reason given. Neither men knew each other. Down went Officer Colson. His fellow colleagues stormed out of the station and opened fire on the gunman wounding him but sparing his life. That is it. Life goes on. Another officer shot dead. Another man serving us and protecting us gunned down. His family, friends and co-workers left in bewildered shock. He is no more on earth.  Twenty eight is so young. He lived with purpose. He woke up everyday to serve people like you and me, regardless of your opinion of him.  What do we call that kind of service? I believe we call that  unconditional love. Do you know what that i...

The Last of the Mohicans Theme ā€¢ Dougie Maclean & Trevor Jones

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