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#Teaching from the Heart: #HotterThanFire4Others

What is this television thing? What visions does it tell? Are they not like food for our mind? Is there not nutritious food AND junk food? How much food is enough? Do we eat all day long non-stop? What happens when we eat late at night? Is it smart to eat junk? What do we feed our children? What kind of diet do we sustain them by? How can we empower our children? How educational is Dora and Barney actually? I saw a boy yesterday playing on some sand dunes talking up a one hour story all to himself.. completely entertained. A bright boy, big smile coming out of his big cheeks, a happy boy.. loves his tech time, but he seems to equally love his non-tech time. He sings his heart out through a microphone, seeks me for our made up 'Adventure Minecraft' time where we basically become artists. We dance a special tai chi.. all free styling, with Coach Bill throwing him into the air, around his back, 180 flips and all the time talking the story. Everything else stops in those mo...

A #Poem - #ExtremeSpecialEd Engineering in Mid-Air

Mashing up Henry Fordā€™s assembly line,  Dr. Temple Grandinā€™s low-stress, max process ingenuity,  and cutting-edge music by groundbreaking artistsā€¦  @Vaskimmusic @flightfac @touchsensitive  @henrykrinkle_ @mansionair @imdurante  @cyrilhahn @flumemusic @chet_faker   @londongrammar  @shyboy Falling in mid-air Blindfolded feeling way through Tinkering, eliminating, stripping, fitting, callibrating Passion-driven teaching  slicing atmosphere Entrepreneurial teaching  heart and soul smidgen behind for my sanity Jet propulsion on-line now Phase one wiring complete Ground rapidly approaching Falling mid-air the engineer on the engine hammering, tightening, loosening passion enters knowledge makes room experience keeps itself quiet passion moves  hearts beat in sync Ground..rapidly approaching Igniting thrusters in the last moments before impact salty dried te...

The Passionate Educator is Unstoppable

Does passion have a place in the learning environment? Can passion surge for long if the salary stays the same regardless? Can intensity be explained? Can intensity be sustained if we are not somehow in the driver's seat or motivated by something that moves our heart and mind? What is left over in the heart and mind of an Educator after they have given their all?  What comes back to them?  Where does the energy emanate from?  When we value people in their work, we pay them well with money. Pats on the back, compliments and gift baskets feel good... but money pays our bills. I think that a passionate Educator is one that is free and feels free to explore, experiment and discover how to best motivate and engage students. The passionate Educator is willing to fail, in order to achieve successful learning outcomes and motivate the students with great energy. It is incredible how fast we can learn subject matter when our engagement is 'full on.' We look at thing...

My Interview w/ #Surfing Legend & #Father #SocialEntrepreneur Mr. @izzypaskowitz / #autism #executivefunction #America #SocialGood

I s it possible to connect one's work with what one loves? What fruit comes when you bring work and play together? How does passion play into the equation if it is mixed with our work? In the heat of the moment, a Father wrestled with how to embark on how to best empower his son. The boy was diagnosed with autism, a condition created almost completely by damaging preservatives found in vaccines that severely damages brain tissue. These preservatives are heavy metals like aluminum and are listed on the CDC's website. There is also strong scientific evidence pointing to other factors that exacerbate the severity of autism in a child, such as bisphenol A, and exposure to modern day environmental pollutants which can be found in the food, water and air. This post is  about what one parent did in response for his son. Its about being positively   and lovingly proactive and not sitting back with his main priority of taking care of his family. This post is about how I...

The Empowered #Educator is a Natural #Entrepreneur #Engineer- #StoryTellingTeaching #education #teaching

ā€˜Teaching is personal,ā€™ sais my colleague from England, Alastair Arnott. Yes, and it is an art form also. What do we do with the limited time and space given us? Batman is actually a make-believe character and is NoT coming to rescue the public educational systemā€¦  Why not increase the amount of professional license We give ourselves to create, be entrepreneurially-minded,ā€™ and focus on rapid growth?  In order to do that, many of us Educators have already taken an incredibly powerful step in reaching out to each other by the use of social media tools, like Twitter. We are learning from each other and the potential for our pedagogy is getting better and better as more of us find that the world is not flat, nor round, but an elevator, and we are all in it. Heck, I tweet the President all the time.. any day now he will give me a favorite to one of my tweets mentioning him or my abstract blog post on the executive function skill rigors found in being the President...

#Failure: What #ErikSteiner Does Makes Him #HotterThanfire4Others / #socialgood #entrepreneur #executivefunctioning

What is it about failure that sends chills down the spine of almost anyone?  In thinking about my thinking, which is the working definition for metacognition, a creme de la creme executive function skill, I have experienced that it is healthy to go through the process of understanding just how scary failure is.. and how I can get better and better at recovering from it swiftly. It can be pretty scary actually depending on what it means in that moment for you. Failure for big wave rider Laird Hamilton on a fifty foot wave could spell his death. He has had mishaps, but the guy is a master at what he does. Once he dropped out of a helicopter into a storm raising sixty foot monsters of dark shark-infested waters off Kaena Point on Oahu. The guy surfed it. Foolish man? Probably, yes. Before that and since then he has surfed moving buildings of water that would boggle the mind of anyone.  The message is that failure is simply a trial on the way to...