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#Poem: #Dancing when they don't #Dance / CoachBill.US #executivefunction #autismparent #ADHD

Shake the left shoulder back and forth. Bring down the electricity to your left leg and ankle. Shake it to the beat. Open up the arms like an airplane and bounce them. Keep the elbows up. Close your eyes and try to move to the rhythm. Mimic your functionality to your child. Bring out your heart and soul so that they do likewise. Bear it. Everything else turns them inward. Use self-expression to infuse art into the home life. Break down. Play the electronic dance music by Flight Facilities. Songs like Apollo, Claire De Lune & Stand Still are dancy). Freeze dance. Express yourself even if they are stiff as logs. Express yourself even if you have been in the freezer for decades. Blend mechanics with the moment being fun and positive. Communicate through dance. #StorytellingDancing is a form of emotional processing that is as fun as surfing.. If not more.

#SelfRealizing: Triggering #Heart&Soul - 2 #GrowthHacks to Try @ Home 2nite / CoachBill.US #autism #ADHD

Self-realization From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search For other uses, see Self-realization (disambiguation) . Self-realization is an expression used in psychology , spirituality , and Eastern religions. It is defined as the "fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of one's character or personality. [1] In one overview, Mortimer Adler defines self-realization as freedom from external coercion, including cultural expectations, political and economic freedom, and the freedom from worldly attachments and desires etc. Paramahansa Yogananda defined Self-realization as "the knowing ā€” in body, mind, and soul - that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that Godā€™s omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing.ā€ [2] .................

Don't Blame #Mom's For #Autism: Blame Practice of Profits Before Safety / CoachBill.US #autismparents

In the Twitter world, #autismparents, #hearthisnow and #cdcwhistleblower groups represent a growing cadre of parents and adults who see that there might be something to admitals by Center for Disease Control Directors that vaccines directly are linked to the causation of autism, and not as opposing social media threads would have us think, directly the result of genetic mutations caused by air pollution or genetically-faulty Mom's. Air pollution in some locations in the world can be horrendous and lead to early death as well as severe neurological damage... if you live in Beijing.. perhaps. It also makes sense that in this day and age we may be heavily taxing our DNA'S ability to stay intact in the face of various forms of pollution. Yet, it is still by far, more plausible that vaccines which are made with preservatives, such as mercury, barium, strontium, formaldehyde, aluminum, and body tissue from dead humans, as well as monkeys. and cancer-causing viruses may be del...

#CriticalThinkers: An Elite & Endangered Group / CoachBill.US #executivefunction #ADHD #autismparents #metacognition

I am part of an elite group of people on this planet just because I have the experience of being aware of and using my critical thinking skills and abilities like a samurai swordsman on a mission. Thatā€™s it. I am not a U.S. Army Airborne Ranger with the 101st Airborne Division, the Screaming Eagles (but my Dad was). That is as elite as I am. To the degree that I understand and use my critical thinking skills in a worthwhile goal-directed way, like or as an entrepreneur. Entrance into this group is both easy and hard. It depends on you largely, but if it is a young child we are talking about, then it depends on the parent, or in extraneous circumstances a foster parent and adjoining professional team members working with that child, (happens all the time). Being able to think criticallyā€¦ to be aware of thatā€¦and to use it as wisely as possible is better than all the silver and gold in the bank. Constructing and scaffolding ideas into actual actions during my 1:1 coachi...

#Growthhacking Rapid, #Holistic #Success w/ #ADHD #autism #executivefunction deficits / Coachbill.US

Growth hacking is a relatively new computer engineering term originating about half a decade ago. In the business world it implies being able to visualize and make come to pass ways to grow a business. Growth hacking has some aspects of ā€˜upselling,ā€™ which is a common marketing tool but it is so much more than upselling. It is in another ballpark altogether. A growth hack is an engineered thought that becomes a successful sequenced set of actions having a cause and effect mechanism by which few or many functions work together to create an effect that leads to some sort of real growth in the business. As a self-employed Private Special Educator of twelve years in the field focused on the rapid, holistic natural executive function skill development of kids and adults with ADHD, executive function skill deficits or autism, I have been keen to deliver results you can see, hear and experience. My income depends on it. My family depends on it.  So I actually work day and ...

How to Toss a Daily #ExecutiveFunction Skills Salad @ Home That Works / CoachBill.US #adhd #autism

To run a successful home executive function skills program, some metrics or benchmarks need to be hit.  Donā€™t run your program 24/7 like your smartphone. You will tire yourself and everyone out. Make a ā€˜bubbleā€™ category map plan, or a simple ā€˜to do listā€™ (with tasks organized under categories) as quickly as possible. Quick! Before you lose everyoneā€™s interest.  Try to number together the order of operation with a pencil onto your planning map or list. Start. Start initiating task, completing tasks, and tucking away experience after experience of  a sense of growing accomplishment.  Category ideas: relaxation tools, thinking about your thinking, games, exercise, table time stuff, planning,  and the trying new things category Top 20 executive function skill development and hemispheric balancing activities: consistent meditation swimming playing chess surfing skateboarding on small cruiser penny boards (I like the classic wood style, not plast...

#Disrupting #SpecialEducation in Thought & Action / CoachBill.US #executivefunction #ADHD #autism

As a Private Special Educator, my first point of contact in working with an individual or a child with an executive function skill deficit, ADHD or autism is to listen through the filter of executive function skills. What skills deficits is the individual or parent mentioning as they recount the issues and concerns, perhaps the frustrations and tensions within the family dynamic. I  glean between executive function skill strengths and weaknesses by listening to the parent for their. Moreover, I begin to get an increasingly clear understanding of hemisphere traits and characteristics, all from a phone conversation without having ever met the student. This information shapes how I work with the student and collaborate with the parent. In India, the word ā€˜namaste,ā€™ is said a great deal. It implies that the ā€˜spirit in me honors the spirit in you.ā€™ As a professional, I donā€™t go around saying things like that. Words are cheap and actions speak way louder than words. So in ...