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Extinguishing the Defiance from the Defiant Child Tonight

What do you do with a child who is passively defiant, perhaps obnoxious at times, and increasingly dismissive of parental authority? Normally, the idea is to do something to change them, modify their behavior, or just kinda deal with each week as it comes. In some instances, with the supervision, guidance and direction of a doctor, like a psychiatrist, a child's parents may see their young child now be able to sit still longer, be more focused, and appear to show a very observable increase in another executive function skill, the ability to sustain attention. A pharmaceutical medication can be a 'bridge'  to help the child maybe focus on enhancing their ability to better self-manage themselves in a more goal-directed manner. n essence, be 'more' focused. This helps the child to be able to sustain their attention for a longer duration on a sequence of tasks. Rather quickly, the child (or adult for that matter) eventually understands quite intuitively that the 'so...

Strengthening Dad in their Eyes: Stronger Dad's lead to Stronger Mom's leading to Stronger Families

  Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. C.S Lewis Father's who make it a general habit to discuss and show their kids the importance of how they deal with setbacks as well as triumphs provide invaluable life skills teaching for their kids with tremendous long-term benefits that last a lifetime. You can start talking to them about how to deal with life's daily events when they are infants. This post is about making Daddy's stronger because I see America rapidly becoming a Father-less society. I am a Dad of three children, and I want to strengthen Daddy's role in the family and help put him in his rightful place. May this be so in such a way that honors the wife, and her place as the Mother of the family. May his strengthening be complimentary to the wife, and by doing so, complimentary to the husband too, and eventually the children. Dear Dad's Consider that your face time with your kids is leveraged being that you are out most of the ...

Using #Prayer As An #ExecutiveFunction Skill Parent Tool?

Jeremiah 29:7 The Word of The Lord And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace. Regardless of religion, can a holy book be used as a standard by which to self-monitor one self? I believe so.  Can a Father use it as a 'go to' guide that can guide the mind, as well as help the Father guide the mind of their children? I believe so also.  Can prayer be the guide? What is to be said about the growing prevalence of studies showing that prayer heals people from disease? I believe so and science is showing so. See here:  and here: Praying brings about peace in the heart and mind in a very immediate way. This manifests an immediate metacognitive slide into...

Taking Charge of your Families Daily Hormone Flux

When you come to think about it, humans are either in a state of hormonal equilibrium, or are in pursuit/desirous of it. If you don't feel ok, the basic ingrained desire is to want to feel ok.   How we get there with the best interest of our families is the subject of this article.             An inordinate amount of distractions, jobs, tasks and futile pursuits which can fill our day. Through the  course of this day. If we were to get a "read-out"  of our daily hormonal flux we would be astounded by the up and down roller-coaster/stock market graphing of it. Given this hormonal flux, what is one big hormonal trap for kids and adults, and what are some concrete actions that are practical, engaging, and easy to integrate into one's life, and/or family life? To start with, spending an inordinate, unbalanced amount of time on technological gadgets manifests anxiety, stress, uneasiness and studies are showing it is physically bad...

Can Playing #Chess, #Meditating, #Horseplay and #Dancing make great kids?

The answer is no. Yet, a home that is made warm, comfortable and nurturing by both parents can provide more warmth than the best commerical home heater system out their. Using a formula system, it is practical, and easily possible for any family, independent of monthly income to make immediate home changes that immediately starts reaping love dividends from your kids. With consistency, a young heart and a growth-oriented mindset, parents can literally showcase and role-model incredibly important life skill tools that lead your children to have higher than strong executive function skills, high emotional intelligence, and an ability to deal with failure that is uncanny. Parents are advised. You may have to get on your hands and knees for some of this tough work. Horseplay, or what some call roughhousing may be a laughing matter to most, but it is actually a very serious matter that is understated and dismissed. Great horseplay entails the parent making it a continous  matter to poin...

#HomeGrownEntrepreneurship: Secret of #RealEconomicVitality?

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford car company had an interesting take on empowering individuals and families... paying workers high salaries to drive up wages, giving them the ability to purchase houses, and access to opportunity. Ford also saw how he could create a feedback loop whereby the workers themselves can afford to purchase the cars they themselves help make. Can you do homegrown entrepreneurship that can bring supplemental income into your household? How would the unfolding of this process impact your child's perception of economic opportunity? By the term 'homegrown entrepreneurship' I am implying the concept about role-modeling to our children how to be successfully self-employed (or partly self-employed). I believe that if more of us started our own kinds of small businesses, there would be less need for government entitlement safety net systems of learned helplessness. From an executive function skills usage point of view, in a well-run home grown busin...

Can parental self-monitoring lead to more harmonious households?

Do you find that your child tests your authority on a routine basis? Is peace at home eluding the family? Have you taken the video games away? the toys? used time outs? Is your authority being thwarted? Do you feel like you are not effectively distinguishing unwanted behaviors? Try all of the following as a set of moving forward parameters: Emotion-free parental responses at all times that is keenly aware of how you say what you say, (paraverbal skills).  Following through with punitive and natural consequences. The family home is not a democracy. Parents sometimes need reminding not to get into controlling situations which diminish the control their children perceive them to have. Don't have the 'back and forth' argument. Act calmly, lovingly, firmly, and methodically. In the long-term your management way will overpower. Reminding yourself that your kids will act the same way parents treat each other. In quiet households where parents are conversationally re...