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The Family Unit Under Attack-The importance of Dad

In today's society, it is my opinion that the cohesiveness, the unity of the traditional family is being threatened by outside competing interests. The family time together loses out routinely to members watching tv, socializing on the computer, talking on the phone, playing video games, overwork, partying, etc. Father figures who make great efforts to be present more often are needed. Boundaries and parameters need to be drawn by which children are shown right ways of living from wrong ways of living. It is always good to monitor the state of your connection to the family, if your a Father. Aside from being the traditional bread winner, how do you contribute to the family cohesiveness? Caring Fathers who work with mothers as a team are actively role modeling the very duties the children will hopefully one day do. Likewise, Fathers who make extra efforts to work issues and problems out in a way that is loving, caring, and not demeaning teach their kids the value of not ...

Part 2 of 3: Family Unit Under Attack: Strengthening the middle

A strong family unit is essential in helping children, especially those with special needs, learn essential life skills. In a traditional two parent home, it is imperative that parents get rest and relaxation, yet this has become more of a luxury these days, especially in the fast-paced urban life. I believe that parents should look to ensure that they are able to decompress an unwind daily. This makes them better parents, which makes for a stronger family dynamic where the children get the best of their parents. Achieving this balance is not hard at all, and can be done, and needs to be done. Some ways parents can rest are by taking an epsom salt bath. Put two cups of the magnesium salt into a warm bath tub and soak for 20-25 minutes. Your muscles, bones, and joints will feel refreshed, the skin gets cleansed, and any kind of bodily inflammation is soothed. Last of all, it enhances mood.  Another self-regulation tool parents can make part of their weekly routine is to ...

Part 1 of 3: The Family Unit Under Attack- A Metacognitive Snapshot

How much time does your child sit in front of the television, or on the computer? What kind of shows do they watch? What kind of games does your child play on the computer? What kind of images do the children see on the video games? When the kids go to the movie theater, what are they being told is a cool way of living? How does that correlate with the values you try to instill? To take a page from 'Tiger Mom's' example, it matters greatly what our kids see and hear, and what they are exposed to. Maintaining family cohesiveness today requires alert parents. In a world were there are competing interests in gaining our children's attention, what do we allow to impact/ influence them? Likewise, what is most important in our lives will be evidenced by what we most focus on. We are role models. It is up to us parents, Educators, and the community to be the gatekeepers to the minds and hearts of our children. This is a tremendously hard task as children get older, yet setti...

The Special Educator: Balancing the Equation

Sun Tzu, the author of "The Art of War," a 2,500 year old book that is a must-read book for business executives and military leaders alike, noted the following, which I have paraphrased: To win in battle, one must know oneself, and their opponent. Yet, he also noted that if one knows thyself, yet not one's opponent, then for every battle one, he/she would lose a battle. Lastly, if one does not know thyself, nor one's opponent, then he/ she would suffer defeat every time. Of course, as a Special Educator, the students I work with 1:1 are not my opponents, or enemies. As an Educator, it behooves me to always monitor my best way of delivering instruction. I must ask myself honest questions all the time. Its like I have an Executive Functions Coach sitting on my shoulder when I am empowering a learner. From a Special Educators perspective, good instructional delivery to an exceptional learner entails the rapid adaptation of the Teachers instructional approac...

A broken and a contrite heart..

Like a mountain buffeted by the elements Like a rock broken into grains of sand I am become like a vessel of clay that is being reshaped Like a tree that loosens its leaves in Autumn Appearing to wither, yet in a process of renewal Initiated by not myself Have I asked for this process? Has the LORD taken me by the hand? No longer wanting to trust in my own power, But in a strong foundation that cannot be moved A strong Fortress, a High Tower, A shield from the ambitions & desires of this world Though the sea may sweep over me, and my tears form rivers, I have been given faith to endure I have been broken My spirit has become contrite My heart hopes in Him For more, go to http://www.CoachBill.US Twitter.Com @CoachBill007 Instagram: CoachBill007 Youtube: CoachBill007

In the Best of Moments,a poem from William Michael Stowell-Alonso

In the best moments I am quiet Inside, my heart says, Thank you. What little precious moments I remember to give myself. Like stolen time and space, Like an animal that has not been fed for a long time. My mind stops running, My body stops multi-tasking. I surrender to the Lord Inside, a door soon opens. Something fly's out. A smile becomes my face. -------------- This poem is protected by copyright. For more, go to http://www.CoachBill.US Twitter.Com @CoachBill007 Instagram: CoachBill007 Youtube: CoachBill007

The Power of Caring: A Discussion on its place in the LearningEnvironment and the Community

What is a caring relation mean in the context of teaching and learning, how it manifests itself in the United States of America public school, and why it behooves educators and education policy makers to heed the call for serious discussion and reflection on what it means to educate the 'whole person.' Is the emotional development of the individual learner, not as important, if not more important, than just focusing on a liberal education that emphasizes the traditional core academics? Would our society be changed for the better if we all were taught from day one in our educational experience that the development of your whole self is crucial for one's success in life? What would that actually look like during a school week? Understandably, these are big questions. They should be part of a national debate on what education's goals and aims should be in America. All too often, the educational demands placed on learners and educators alike by social and po...