
The Importance of Reaching Out / #specialneeds #community #thisAmericanQuilt #socialdevelopment #minecraft

Positive Disruption in the Holy Land / #OurHumanityByTheWayside #socialresponsibility #skateboarding @Israel @Palestine

We Are Not Enemies, But Friends / @israel @epiclypaslestined @un @whitehouse

Battling Crime 1 American Town @ A Time w/ Competitive #Skateboarding / #Harlem #SouthNorwalk #Connecticut @Olympics

In service to others our hearts stay light. / #Syria #refugees #family #community #skateboarding #liberty #freedom

A Man With the Black Hat Film: Lunch Time on the Ave., and Luca with the Lid Off / @ScalziOriginals #skateboarding

Scalzi Originals Foundation / #socent #edchat #community #family #SpecialEd

@ScalziOriginals Skateboard Company Mission / #socent #servantleaders #edchat

@ScalziOriginals Skateboard Company Mission / #socent #servantleaders #edchat

@ScalziOriginals.US #StateOfTheUnion @CityOfStamford #skateboarding #positivedisruption #comunity #youth #autism

The Benefits of Skateboarding & Surfing / #executiveFUNction #autism #downsyndrome, #therapy

Envisioning a Multi-Athletic & Cultural Training Center Scalzi Park @cityofstamford #Connecticut #positivedisruption