The Design of Faction To Control & Destroy The American Fossil Fuel Industry: Lessons Learned From The Supreme Court's 6.30.2022 Ruling Opinion on West Virginia v. EPA

On February 22, 1811, John Quincy Adams was appointed to be Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; a position he declined. 

After reading his published writings, we learn of a man who clung to the purpose of living a life as Godly and as best as he could accomplish. Those efforts of bringing all his intellectual might and maintaining of integrity to be what can be called, 'a professional Christian,' a 'work' that calls the practitioner to be mindful of being continuously gentle, in genuine peace, loving & kind, good,  and of excellent temperance, serve to position attitude and perspective to readily agree with being 'national' in political understandings. As such, we find John Quincy Adams to exhibit and practice a strong political action that seeked to end slavery, increase the human rights of Native Americans, and establish a national university for the enrichment of the people's minds. 

Protecting the founding American spirit of individual liberty and justice for all; a notion of valuing human equality with a government 'of & for' the people tasked for the protection of the people, was of singular priority and importance to him. The Constitution had been recently written and put into order in 1787, along with 'The Federalist Papers' explaining the powers, function, duty and dangers unto said government and within said government, and the business of enslaving humans of black skin color was being brought to a halt, being hindered, limited, and constrained with repeated congressional legislation up until 1820 (Missouri Compromise). 

What we have before us, as an American tradition of liberty and justice is the recognition early on in the founding of our nation that we are all created equal, and have those inalienable rights being universal, self-evident, and God-endowed: the awareness and claim of these fundamental laws of humanity serving as the historical ballast and anchor of the true American judicial tradition and national society: unalloyed liberty and justice for all as a people who are a nation of just laws, and not a nation that rests on ever-changing popular doctrines or personality's of charismatic politicians. 

Again, what is the baseline of the historical jurisprudence that is the foundation of the United States of America; it is the awareness, claim, and defense of an unalloyed spirit of individual liberty and justice for all. An exemplification of that work is clearly seen in the selfless dedication of John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams, unto ingraining their integrity and passion to do good and be good with all their intellect to accomplish the best solemnity in effectuating the right start of character for the U.S. government as 'of and for' the people.

Their writings constantly address the importance of staying on course with integrity, the right attitude, perspective, professionalism and selflessness of solemn spirit unto the 'American cause.' They understood that faction, the work of people who's self-interest is distinct from the unanimous good of all the people, was continuously always seeking entrance and instrumentality of the powers and offices of government.

The instrumentality of government, that is to say, the control of its powers to achieve a self-interest occurred with the business of slavery. The presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court had people who agreed and defended the self-interest of slavery in the 1800's. Should some people be slaves and others slave owners (Abraham Lincoln, Draft Of a Speech, 8.21.1858)? This was a prevailing question of Abraham Lincoln on the preservation of the United States. The Declaration of Independence was clear to him: it did not say only white Americans, but it asserted that people have the right to life, liberty, to be happy, and to assure government remained in that unalloyed mode of being of and for the people. Lincoln countered Stephen Douglas, a Senator, who himself had been on the Illinois Supreme Court, asking the rhetorical question if the Declaration only included American white men, or also Germans and French, and Russians who lived in America; and so, Lincoln said, the American slave of black skin color is human and also is included in that Declaration.

The parlance of discussion can be centered on the rights of humanity, on ascertaining again what is the true unalloyed American tradition of individual liberty and justice, and if people, in the capacity of government office, or as civilians, have the right to legally impose a construction on the true intent and spirit of the law upon all the people, with the sum end result of their scheme that their narrative is overlaid above the basic, fundamental understandings of the Declaration of Independence and the right interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, and the laws created from those first laws.

In effect, the cloaking of political self-interest (faction) presented as legal doctrine dressed in constitutional words has been done before (judicial allowance of the business of slavery), and it is called judicial aggrandizement. Thus, the unconstitutional invention of 'judicial review,' and the unspoken precedent of 'judicial activism' allows people and political factions to place themselves supreme above the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, and the law making process within the judiciary, legislative and executive branches of government instead of an originalist understanding of the word and spirit of intention as purposed of the framers of our American republic. 

Therefore, it is not merely a difference of political opinion as to what American society should be, and how it should be educated to maintain the right ideals, but more specifically, what should be the correct interpretation of fundamental, constitutional laws as it regards cases and situations that will always arise? How can that be achieved if our judges and justices are not ideologically independent from the sleights and self-interests of factions, and how can we raise up new generations of righteous future Justices and magistrates, if political factions target our educational standards of instruction to favor their politic, and disfavor the politic of another party? 

Is it so that we, as a national people, can settle agreement of our minds to achieve consensus as a people the the most unanimous agreement that brings us together as a national community is the Declaration of Independence? Undoubtedly, many would say it is something that can prudently be accepted as having the most universal agreement amongst Americans. The interpretation of the powers, duties, functions, and restraints written that are our U.S. Constitution were also written with such great solemnity as the 'Declaration,' and yet we have this sounding bell of warning in The Federalist Papers of the dangers of faction as the gravest threat to our constitutional republic with its representatives, and we have the work of faction clearly seen in our history, most obvious and poignantly in the business of slavery, and of the multi-billion dollar international business of human abortion, with the prolongation of congressional, executive, and judicial approvals. That the reader may disagree or agree with the writer that abortion is a work of liberty or murder is separate from abortion having unanimous agreement amongst the people. It does not have unanimous agreement, and due to the severity of the action of abortion being life ending on a human being in one of its stages of life, a pause to consider how abortion, as it was with slavery, ‘is’ or ‘is not’ —   a direct trespass of the historical American tradition of defending those fundamental laws that are the preserving ballast and anchor of our nation.

So it is, we do have a political interplay of the American people's sentiment on distinct matters and judicial ruling opinions certainly have had an effect and been affected because of that interplay. We can see the effect of this each time there is not a unanimous agreement with the justices in our Supreme Court. The professionalism of our Justices and magistrates should be independent of political ideology and seek to accomplish its work; that they be altruist and selfless critical thinkers who are objective in perspective, solemn in attitude, and professional their allegiance to the spirit of unalloyed liberty and unanimous justice for all to rightly discern the interpretation of fundamental laws, and the laws emanating from these. 

Anything else is self-interest, and we call this 'judicial aggrandizement;' when constitutional language is used to cloak political ideology that is alloyed with constructs distinct from the unanimous interest that is good for all the people. Such practices are unconstitutional, and yet it is the distinct duty of our judges and justices to discern what the Constitution and the spirit of the law opines on specific cases and situations; and therein is where John Quincy Adams opposes the instrumentality of faction in government office:  only the selfless spirit of preserving individual liberty and justice for all that exists (or should exist) should be the presiding hallmark necessary to preserve true peace, according to the original spirit of the law in the United States. To attain such selflessness in our government; in our courts, in our legislatures; this may never be completely possible. Notwithstanding, it so happens that in some generations we have individuals who value being genuinely selfless, being graced with the right understanding of that unalloyed spirit of liberty; placing forth their intellect and might for the unanimous good of all the people.

In the June 30, 2022 Supreme Court opinion on West Virginia v. EPA, we find the work of political self-interest seeking to use the instrumentality of our government for their desired ends, instead of for the unanimous good of all the people. The case began in the Obama administration when the EPA was directed to command & control the fossil fuel industry of oil, coal, and natural gas, with the intent of forcing its demise and rapidly shift the national energy grid  into renewable energy (solar, wind, ect.). Thus, the EPA, without clear congressional authorization, ordered extravagant, costly upgrades to present oil, coal, natural gas processing companies to comply with an unattainable timeline of about ten years requiring a national grid energy mix ratio that would favor renewable energy and disfavor fossil fuel energy, creating massive and drastic economic monetary investments in renewable energy, and force the fossil fuel industry to pay if they could not comply according to the EPA time benchmarks. 


The preservation of the United States of America, and the peace amongst the people is of paramount importance. To that, should John Quincy Adams done the nation a better service in appeasing the slavery Democrats instrumentality of controlling government? But what about the cause of unanimity of our inalienable, self-evident individual right to liberty and justice for all that is the basis of our fundamental laws as intended in word and spirit in our Declaration of 1776 and the Bill of Rights in our Constitution?

How do we preserve the political union if political self-interest distinct from the unanimous good 'of and for’ all the people' (faction) controls key offices in our government? 

We must root it out with personal and professional integrity as participators in our national conversation. That is right. We must all join the 'fray.' We must be continuously selfless and observed to be objective, independent, and altruist in setting aside our politic and meeting one another at the ballast and anchor level, as national Americans. Certainly, it is the making of awareness, and of bringing clarity to our allegiance to that unanimous unalloyed spirit of liberty and justice for all; of joining the national conversation with solemnity of speech and conduct that we become national in our attitude, our perspective, and our duty as Americans to defend our historical traditions of ordered liberty.

With that in mind, the writer claims upon the readers with their different politics to consider eclipsing the polarizing baseless ploy of factious self-interest and to work the work of patience: surely, as it regards the care of our natural physical environment there should be unanimous agreement that we be most excellent stewards. The narrative, or plan of the Democrat Party is not that though: it is self-interest, and it is a business scheme. Right then and there, the civilian Democrat and civilian Republican should meet in allegiance to oppose that, because their is not unanimous agreement as to the genuineness, methods, pace, or actual purpose of the Biden presidency, Democrats in Congress, or as she is self-reporting her intentions, former Federal Reserve bank president Janet Yellen, our current Treasury Secretary. All these are in government and controlling its instrumentality in a way that is politically divisive and polarizing to the preservation of the American people to be one national people: the agenda of self-interest, as said above, intends a rapid shift in redistributing the national grid energy mix, according to a tight timeline, purposing to destroy the fossil fuel industry and creating massive investment flows into renewable energy industries, altogether causing economic volatility, with an increase in the 'cost of living' (inflation), that their vision of a new business industry can be exacted.

The Supreme Court ruling opinion in West Virginia v. EPA deconstructs the scheme. The question to the Democrat people is if they will ignore the value of preserving peace and unanimity that we be one people in political, national peace, or will they disrespect the importance of preserving that ballast and anchor that is the foundation of our nation?

The Inflation Reduction Act, a mixed bag of legislation was crafted to divide the people. It includes grants of money and economic sustenance to different groups of people with different issues, that they may look the other way as to the actual self-interest agenda of the legislation: the monetary and tax policy in it is exactly the same monetary and tax policy that Biden's Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is promoting with her alliance to the World Bank's Global Tax Program: both measures target the fossil fuel industry of wealthy countries with the same exact agenda that the Supreme Court deconstructed in West Virginia v. EPA, and both measures (the Inflation Reduction Act & Global Tax Program), demand that participating countries drastically reform their tax code to agree with the ideological self-interest (faction) of the World Bank's business development scheme. 

So Biden, along with the Democrats in Congress got congressional authorization on a party line vote of 51-50 in the U.S. Senate, while Janet Yellen is promoting an alliance of America's domestic economic policy unto the globalist, self-interest of the World Bank. A bank that does not prioritize the economy of the American people, be they Democrats or Republicans, but seeks to internationalize the control of the U.S. economy with a money-redistribution scheme that expatriates its wealth to its development projects in nations in Africa and Asia. Both measures, if the reader takes the time to review them, include a targeting of the American fossil fuel industry and a rapid shift to renewable energy. So they are trying to create to businesses: stealing American tax money that is channeled through the World Bank for their own ideological self-interest projects in Africa and Asian countries, and the business of destroying the fossil fuel industry in order to create an economic situation where massive investments are made into renewable energy at the expense of American's 'cost of living.'

The design of faction to control and destroy the American fossil fuel industry is far more than a 'do-good' for the environment, it is not about climate pollution control, it is the making of an investment scheme that benefits a globalist bank alliance scheme, and it has no qualms in dividing and polarizing the American people in order to attain its desired ends of heaping up wealth and a world balance of power that destroys America's ability to self-sustain itself economically,--because it targets and exploits are energy independence at a time when the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has published that the U.S. has more shale oil than all other nations combined.

The preservation of the American nation cannot be accomplished without unanimity on our right to life, liberty, and right to be happy: that final right, a fundamental law that does certainly imply the right to peaceful self-determination as a free people, is disrespected and denigrated when we allow political self-interest to force upon each other a command & control of the instrumentality of government powers  in self-interest: such actions are against the political peace and unity of the American people and should be met with unanimous, responsible, lawful opposition on behalf of Democrats and Republicans.
