The Command & Control of The Middle Class Tax Money: International Banking Institutions Development Projects Mirror China's GeoEconomic Loan/ Debt/ Influence Schemes in Africa & Asia

What was so incredible about Frederick Douglass, and why is he not championed as he ought to be in our schools? What is it about how he approached his work that made him a formidable challenge to the status quo; such a complex force of unstoppable passion and intellect continuing the work of John Adams & John Quincy Adams: both a defense of unalloyed individual liberty and equal justice for the individual, and the exemplification of solemn duty to transform from ordinary to extraordinary for the good of others; for the love of people; the exercise of the power of the individual to effect the American way of life for good, and without self-interest. To become 'hotter than fire for others.' How can such length of success in his endeavor find fuel, if it were not that his cause was a righteous cause,-- for the good of all, without harm unto any, but in protection of life and liberty, and that pursuit of being safe and happy?

The heart and mind of the power of one is a legacy unto the American tradition of the defense of individual human rights. Such a real idea it is that it is the purpose of our Declaration of Independence: a promise of these rights and a call to generations of Americans to defend. Thus, we must need critical thinkers who are independent-minded, formal and dignified in their purpose, being responsible in our work of reasoning with the American people, in being ready to deftly call out the ever-present factious self-interest that Jay, Madison, and Hamilton repeatedly warned us of in the Federalist Papers. We must be taught to value being astute and selfless, diplomatic and allegiant unto the original unalloyed spirit of American liberty and justice; as it was in the settled values that fortified the heart and mind of George Washington, of John Adams, of his son, John Quincy Adams, and of our American champion, Frederick Douglass. These few geniuses understood that they had to be meek in personal ambition, valuing temperance, goodness, justice, and a love of people, in short, political geniuses for choosing a love of the good of all people instead of, and before self-interest.

The defending of a way of life wherein individual liberty and justice as a nation of laws, and not of men, makes America a great nation. See far across the world at those nations whose governments control the expression of political dissent, and you will find a people who's society is oppressed at the heart and mind. Only where the people intuitively know that they are free will innovation, art, music and business flourish with great strength; only where the people are in control of the government, will the distribution of power be found to reside in the people.

The present-day reality of the end goal of international banking institutions (World Bank, World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund)  outlines a redistribution revenue scheme  that collects tax money, channels it through intergovernmental corporate banking accounts and uses portions of it for development projects that are resolutely socialist. Their schemes do not prioritize the growth of the American middle class, or the strengthening of the European middle class, though they may pay 'lip service' unto such ideals, instead, the priority of the collected actions of these international banking institutions  is to control the economic policy of each nation, even its tax code and enforcement protocols, that they may be able to streamline their objective of 'commanding & controlling' the global flow of money. They have a scheme, and the Democrats in Congress are for it. They aim to align U.S. economic policy with that of international banks that have zero allegiance to the American tradition, nor do they have respect for the power and rights of the American individual to assure that government is 'of us & for us.'

How else are we as independent-minded, critical thinkers are to understand the World Bank's Global Tax Project after we have read the Inflation Reduction Act and noticed the it is nearly identical in its words; in its details and aims as the Global Tax Project? The redistributing of money from wealthy nations to poor nations with spotty respect of individual liberty, implies that those governments are willing to accept welfare from the international institutions whom will have financial influence in these countries in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY & WITH THE SAME END PURPOSE AS CHINA DOES IN AFRICA with its loan investment/ influence debt scheme. It is a scheme to 'command & control.'

The people of these poor nations in Africa, and Asia cannot truly object or have a national discussion on the internationalization of their tax codes or national financial policy. The varying degrees of government control on the freedom of speech stifles and oppresses the sounding voice of individual  liberty, making such nations ripe for the manipulative schemes of these international banking institutions.

The ploy to create accounts with international central banking institutions is ventured on 'systems theory;' meaning, these international banking institutions must first get approval from sovereign nations to legislate an alignment of their tax code to mirror the global tax revenue scheme they have in place. In other words,  the conditions for the money to start flowing into accounts with international central banking institution has to begin with an orchestration  of the ideological trajectory and composition of a nation's political party. The scheme is to amass economic power from the wealth of rich nations, in order to establish their ideological development financial influence in poor nations. The fact that China is already doing this in Africa and Asia creates a world balance of power that is (1) increasingly polarized, (2) edges out the national economic sovereignty and American economic tradition of self-determination and ingenuity of small business growth as the true strength of a nation's power, (3) and establishes an international banking institution of countries with priorities that have nothing to do with an energy-independent United States, or a growing and strengthening of its middle class.

Finding that the instrumentality of government for their self-interest is in direct opposition to the historical tradition of individual liberty and equanimity of justice that the United States of America was founded upon, seems as if it is of no regard to these central banks. As such, we must defend the economic sovereignty of the people of the United States, a people of all nations, politics, ways of life, and religions, and should call out the treason of the Democrat Party for being unAmerican, and dishonest in their intentions and maneuvers of tricking the people with mixed legislation (Inflation Reduction Act) that jumbles together a weaponization of our Internal Revenue Service (as a precursor in aligning it with the international banking institution requirements) with health care protections for soldiers, environmental reforestation, and medicine cost controls. Why not make separate legislation for each of these needs to not complicate, but simplify the politics?

The United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth because of its foundation of protecting individual human rights and a historical tradition of valuing justice that has created the right balance between government and the people; its magic being the economic strength of its middle class, and this itself, stemming from the ground conditions that have generated its prosperity: a nation of laws that has positioned its government to be 'of & for' the people. And therein can be found the awesomeness of Frederick Douglass and also why he is not championed as he ought to be: He effectively challenged the status quo as a writer and public speaker. He could not be made to stop in his passion and endeavor to preserve America as a nation of laws founded on the promise of the Declaration of 1776 and the strength of our Constitution. He was a born a slave, and yet, along with the help of families and communities in America, Ireland, and England, Douglass rose to excellence BECAUSE of his selflessness in relentlessly pursuing the shaping of the nation as one of equal rights. He did so as a critical thinker who was independent-minded. His individual endeavoring was itself a blessing of the exemplification of what it means to solely defend our human rights. To study him; and to study John Adams and his son John Quincy, and Abraham Lincoln through the reading of their works is to be inspired as an individual with the understanding that the power of one person who is selfless, can move mountains.
