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Showing posts from September, 2022

The Design of Faction To Control & Destroy The American Fossil Fuel Industry: Lessons Learned From The Supreme Court's 6.30.2022 Ruling Opinion on West Virginia v. EPA

On February 22, 1811, John Quincy Adams was appointed to be Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; a position he declined.  After reading his published writings, we learn of a man who clung to the purpose of living a life as Godly and as best as he could accomplish. Those efforts of bringing all his intellectual might and maintaining of integrity to be what can be called, 'a professional Christian,' a 'work' that calls the practitioner to be mindful of being continuously gentle, in genuine peace, loving & kind, good,  and of excellent temperance, serve to position attitude and perspective to readily agree with being 'national' in political understandings. As such, we find John Quincy Adams to exhibit and practice a strong political action that seeked to end slavery, increase the human rights of Native Americans, and establish a national university for the enrichment of the people's minds.  Protecting the founding American spirit of individual liber...

The Control of America's 4.3 Trillion Barrel Inflection Point & The People's Awareness Of It

As it pertains to the American tradition of economic self-determination, governments best duty is the empowerment of the peopleā€™s growth of business, and not promoting, furthering, or supporting a reliance on the split priority of financial service organizations not in allegiance to the people and Constitution of the United States of America   ,    nor in the impractical over-regulation of sectors of the economy for the purpose of implementing interest distinct from the unanimous good of all the American people. Likewise, it has been noted in the U.S. Supreme Courtā€™s majority opinion on West Virginia v. EPA,  June 30, 2022, the furtherance of policies causing excessive economic damage upon important sectors of the national economy, in this case, the Environmental Protection Agencyā€™s undue burden in targeting the the oil, natural gas, and coal industries of the United States without legislative approval from the U.S. Congress was found to be unconstitutional, and an...

The Command & Control of The Middle Class Tax Money: International Banking Institutions Development Projects Mirror China's GeoEconomic Loan/ Debt/ Influence Schemes in Africa & Asia

What was so incredible about Frederick Douglass, and why is he not championed as he ought to be in our schools? What is it about how he approached his work that made him a formidable challenge to the status quo; such a complex force of unstoppable passion and intellect continuing the work of John Adams & John Quincy Adams: both a defense of unalloyed individual liberty and equal justice for the individual, and the exemplification of solemn duty to transform from ordinary to extraordinary for the good of others; for the love of people; the exercise of the power of the individual to effect the American way of life for good, and without self-interest. To become 'hotter than fire for others.' How can such length of success in his endeavor find fuel, if it were not that his cause was a righteous cause,-- for the good of all, without harm unto any, but in protection of life and liberty, and that pursuit of being safe and happy? The heart and mind of the power of one is a legacy ...

Good Governance Is Not Volatile, It Renders Prosperity

  How shall we defend and preserve if we allow our hearts and minds to be defaulted into being politically divided, when we should be united? The Declaration of Independence is our base line of agreement, since we are such a diverse people from all nations. We must at the least agree to each other's right to life, to each others right to liberty, to each others right to be happy, and to each other's right to endeavor to assure government is aligned with those fundamental natural laws. These first laws are not given, but are self-evident, God-endowed. Was it so that the founders of the United States of America sought a powerful government to condescend upon the people and to impose its agenda on their way of life with the instrumentality of said national government being commanded and controlled by political party? Or is our Declaration of Independence a living document that claims and asserts our individual life & liberty; not a letter to some foreign king only, but a decla...