The World Bank & Its Collusion With U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the Democrat Party v. A Defense of American National Sovereignty, the U.S. Supreme Court's Original Duty, & the Protection of The People

The self-sufficiency of a nation purposed in establishing and be able to truly effectualize a strong domestic economy of the people, sets the pillars of the foundation of its best foreign policy. But can such a reality be had without a specific economic independence in its source of energy for its varied industries, its manufactures, its transportation, and in the 21st century, the source of energy to power its technology?

Truly, the sovereignty of the United States of America, —land steeped in the tradition of the defense of equal justice and individual liberty unto all its diverse people is singular in its wealth: built upon the strength of the vibrancy of economy in its middle class, finds that it will be the continual focus of foreign entities seeking to advantage themselves from its dynamism, and altogether, if it be possible, subduing and harnessing its wealth.  What can such an America be, without the independence of its judges? How shall its people defend its foundations; and how shall the most formidable altruist, critical thinkers respond? To what length of time can its defense be expected from its individuals? With what degree of complexity shall the individual responses be to foreign encroachments? In speaking of American individuals, what  profoundness of duty can be expected, and how many of the people will be found to place the necessary effective bulwarks to block such subtle attacks on its sovereignty?

What is the duty of America’s parents, and of its school education in such instances, and how is this weaved into a practical curriculum that raises up not simply a people who look to their own livelihood, but unto a shared ownership of their national sovereignty?


If we read are brought to read the complete writings of John Adams and Abraham Lincoln, we will sadly find that these both arrived at the conclusion that such individuals are few, if any, in each generation. Both of these Americans, nay, enlightened humans, seeked not their own wealth, as much as they affirmed their hearts and minds with selflessness to a greater cause; the cause of preserving, effectuating, and defending an ‘open source’ plan of individual American liberty, justice, and self-determination, that we be a safe and happy people. —That government be ‘of and for’ the people, and not some burdening, condescending apparatus of factious, self-interest bearing down upon the people.


As it stands, is it not so that the administration's of internationalist institutions, are continuously seeking to deploy agendas with strange foreign self-interests distinct from the best interest for the American people; and is it not so that their global plans are not in line with the American Constitution, its national sovereignty, or its unalloyed American tradition of equal liberty, individual justice, and self-determination? Does not the World Bank seek to implement an international agenda that requires each participating nation to reform how it taxes its people, its corporations, and to even re-structure an economically disruptive, rapid shift of its traditional energy fuel source unto renewable energies? How do we find that non-participating nations, such as Russia and China, are generally responding to the changes in geoeconomics and geopolitical signals that are emanating from the Biden administration and European Union countries that are pushing such polarizing policies? Are they seeking and responding to these geoeconomics and geopolitical agenda trajectories with economic and political consolidations of their own to counter such possibilities? 

It does seem so. We see the leaders of the Russian and Chinese government approaching each other with requests for alignment of geopolitical and geoeconomic interests that do seem to counter-balance the Democrat Party's position on foreign policy: a reality where the United States is not energy independent (though it has the natural resources to be),  but artificially beholden to foreign energy importation; a reality where the Democrat Party is ramming through legislation on party-line voting to re-purpose the objectives of American education, instead of an independent, entrepreneurial & financially-savvy, critical thinking citizenry; a reality of quick and massive influx immigration through the southern American border, of seeking 'command & control' of the traditional energy industry and market of American oil, natural gas, and coal, and as it now can be recognized, a continuation of internationalization of U.S. law, tax and economic policy that is subservient to a body of internationalist institutions.

The 'Inflation Reduction Act' weaponizes the Internal Revenue Service in lockstep with an internationalist 'global tax' agenda that has the workings of a collusion being promoted by former Federal Reserve Chairwoman and present U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, President Biden, and the World Bank: participating countries are asked to align their economic & tax policies with that of its ideological, revenue-making business portfolio of international goals. A reading of the World Bank's Global Tax Umbrella Program outlines its development goals for the control of the flow of money in a number of African nations and other low-income nation-states in Asia. Is the global tax project only a one page document that starts and finishes with the media narrative sound byte that it is simply a '15% tax on large corporations,' or an international global tax reform & business revenue scheme requiring nations to weaken their sovereignty, and reform their tax code to advantage a portfolio agenda of 'political left' development projects? How does the weaponization of the Internal Revenue Service link with the World Bank's global tax program in five years? How about in ten years? 

The priority politic of the Democrat Party agenda always positions itself in ‘command & control’ of economy as an artificial source or manipulator of money flow.

Why should American leave the traditions of a quality of life that champions the people & our economy as the priority, instead of a new construction with an internationalist body politic that is strange to the ways and means of Americans? Economic self-determination, and a national sovereignty proclaimed in its start with the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, IS close to the heart of what America stands for! Our economy is built on entrepreneurship (economic self-determination), and the flow of money from small businesses. The reduction of fiscal inequality, as the World Bank's premise wrongly sais, has to be lowered with taxation. That simply sounds like a redistribution of money with an international monetary group placing itself in the middle of the flow of that money. What they are proposing is a business! Their business! They want to apportion funds from their revenue scheme to fund their ideological 'command & control' of the economies of sovereign nations. The fact that so many nations have signed up to their scheme is not a sign that they must be correct, but that these are all small economies when compared to the super power country with the greatest middle class ever created; the United States of America.

Empowerment of people to be entrepreneurs & small business owners DOES NOT serve the premise of the Democratic Party, nor the World Bank. The goal of these entities is to maintain power. They have an elitist spirit of self-interest. The 'open-source' economy of individual self-determination gives them nothing; so they look to see how to govern its wealth, --and its wealth is in our middle class. Its greatest potential wealth, a longterm project, is in the benefits from a  reform of American education that produces these independent-minded, financially-savvy, critical thinkers. But the shaping of extraordinary Americans through such educational standards will not have its support from the Democrat Party,--because an independent people who are wealthy, community advocates become empowered co-sovereigns who will defend their way of life.

As it behooves the best interest of the American people, a reading of the World Bank’s global tax project sequence of phases mirrors the initial requirements in the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ that the Democrats in our U.S. Congress passed on a strict party-line vote of 51-50 (August 2022). Will our U.S. Supreme Court defend America's sovereignty and deem such a global tax project initiative as unconstitutional? Will it be a unanimous opinion or will there be an ideological division in that court?


The prevailing question of the ulterior motives, political attitude, and actions of the Biden administration and the Democrat Party in Congress places before us what their true intentions are; having found record of their concerted actions to hinder, limit, and bankrupt the American traditional energy market and ignorant and/ or willful efforts to negatively disrupt the national economy (1. Biden's nomination of Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the U.S. currency and her recorded comments to 'over-regulate' the bankrupting the oil, coal, natural gas industry, 2. the Supreme Court's  June 30, 2022 opinion on west Virginia v. EPA, the blocking of the continental Keystone XL oil pipeline.) 

What does the Democrat Party stand to gain from a domestic economic and foreign policy agenda that does not favor the unfettered growth and economic success of the American middle class, but instead, uses its  instrumentality of government office; the Executive Office (Presidency) and Congressional legislature to work in such manner as to foster small and large politically divisive contentions and issues, and also deepen a polarization of Western & Eastern nations? The Biden administration, as an extention of the Democrat Party agenda, seems to issue a politic and use of government office that does not respect American independency as rooted in its traditional rule of law founded upon equal justice and liberty, but wants to 'sell out' the national sovereignty and economic self-determination of the American people.

Why do the people have to experience such economic and societal turmoil? Why was the Inflation Reduction Act, a legislation that mixed a reformation and weaponization of the Internal Revenue Service with provisions for soldiers who experienced health issues from 'burn pits,' and with provisions for environmental protections, and health care cost reductions?

Answer: Because the mixed bag of legislation was purposed to divide the people politically: the environmental agencies and groups that stood to gain from the billions of dollars that would be granted saw the legislation as a win, and their indifference to the other aspects of the legislation as a mere triviality. Why not make separate legislation that was specifically for the Internal Revenue Service; and legislation specific for the health care of soldiers; and legislation specific to the reduction of health care costs?


May it be that the U.S. Supreme Court Justices be unanimous in their opinion that the internationalization of the U.S. tax code (especially after it has been weaponized), is unconstitutional and that their political ideologies not play into their opinion. The legitimacy of that court is upon its Justices and is paramount as an important bulwark of American independence against the unfortunate prevailing influences of political party's.

American people should not be spectators in defending the best American way of life, even in a representative republic where we have our representatives in Congress 'speaking for us.' No, we need to write and speak, advocate, and strive to be intellectually balanced in our ability to observe, think analytically, and consider what is the right way to achieve the best quality of life in the United States, and as a nation amongst nations, prioritizing our geopolitical and geoeconomic advantage that we be an America that is energy-independent, and a people who are aware that a strong domestic economy is the best foreign policy we can have.

(Excerpt from a Letter from John Adams to John Quincy Adams)

February 12, 1808


“Our Paper Money our Banks and Corporations are made the Instruments of Accumulating Wealth, which is loaned at two per Cent a Month Fortunes of Creditors grow up like Musrooms and impoverished Debtors break by dozens and others by hundreds live in continual fear of failing. This is another Source of Envy and hatred of the common People against the Gentry.

Washington like Camillus and Cincinnatus, by professing disinterestedness as Sincerely as either, gained an immense Popularity among the common People, and by espousing the Cause of Proprietors ad Creditors acquired an equally transcendent Applause among them. Hamilton by professing a disinterest which no body believed, but by aiding and Abetting the Creditors, became their Idol.

Jefferson and Madison and Burr, by Seeming to favour the Debtors and by opposing the Claims of the Creditors, undermined their Influence and became the favorites of the Debtors. Burr too by the Same System obtained his Popularity: but he could Speculate and form a Manhattan Bank, the great Catapulto that beat down the Walls of federalism, and preserve his popularity with the Debtors at the same time. He got rid of his great rival Hamilton, not quite so cleverly or legally as Cincinnatus did of Maelius and Camillus of Manlius, but very effectually and has hitherto Set the Laws at Defyance.

Our Parties will perpetually produce Such Characters and Such revolutions and as our Legislature and Executive will be always under the Influence of the Prevailing Party, I say We have no Security, but in the total and absolute Independence of the Judges.”
