Is it important for the people of the United States of America to be informed, and to understand what is or are the pathways for the best, most resilient economy? Should we be destined to move through economic cycles of recessions, monetary inflation, and fragmented economic prosperity? Is there a safer, and yet more adventurous, more individually empowering economic path? What is the national financial situation that the current economic management of the past century and present time period brought to the American middle class?
Do we have, do we see, are we experiencing an ample, resilient economic prosperity in the individuals and families that are our middle class, and has our America school education been an integral, initial creator of small business development and entrepreneurship?
For the purpose of their participation in national discussion, and that through the potentially extraordinary power of the written and spoken word of ordinary people; that through our exercise of voting, and our ability to assemble our thoughts and efforts on best economic practices and that through, both, our own voices, and our representatives in Congress, it may be good to reason with one another on the presented economic pathway options that are being offered as viable alternatives.
That the spirit of our national discussion and chosen economic pathway be in alignment with our founding documents, our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, and that the historical tradition of the defense of individual liberty, judicial justice and self-determination emanating from these two sources,--cause a dignified gravity to our conversation, and serve to further add a ballast and scaffolding ordered framework to such national deliberations amongst the people.
To that effect, it is important to keep in mind a specific understanding and warning of John Adams in his February 12, 1808 letter to his son, John Quincy Adams:
(Excerpt from a Letter from John Adams to John Quincy Adams)
February 12, 1808
"Our Parties will perpetually produce Such Characters and Such revolutions and as our Legislature and Executive will be always under the Influence of the Prevailing Party, I say We have no Security, but in the total and absolute Independence of the Judges.”
As a nation of laws, with a constitutional representative republic, it is so that the agendas of political party's can be legislated into laws through slim majority's of congressional votes. Such was the recent case with the (August 2022) Inflation Reduction Act that passed on a party line vote of 51-50. A tactically mixed legislation that offered price controls on health care, medical support for injured soldiers, federal grant money to support the planting of trees, while the actual brunt of the Act is three fold:
1. create financial government credits for renewable energy markets, and rapidly diminishing credits for traditional energy fuel (coal, oil, natural gas) companies and regulate the entrance into and market diversification of that industry with the objective of hindering the issuing of oil leases, and blocking the distribution of oil with the Keystone XL project, a continental pipeline bringing oil from Canada and the U.S. to the Gulf of Mexico for global export supply
2. weaponizing the Internal Revenue Service with hundreds of millions of dollars for hiring 86 to 87 thousand employees, outfitting their enforcement operations with guns, and a robust investigative technological and physical presence in American communities to assure that the people pay their taxes.
3. reform the American tax code to be in alignment with the World Bank's Global Tax project, an internationalist order of nations seeking a global tax on large companies and also having its own development project portfolio that would be funded through the project.
They certainly scheme an economic trajectory that splices together their agenda with that of the Biden/ Democrat political party,-- that they may, in their self-interest, 'command & control' the instrumentality of government funding to influence a legislative change allowing the instrumentality government funding, and the manipulation by foreign international institutions seeking to siphon the sovereign wealth of the American people & their economy for their international development programs.
As can be read in the below NBC, May 9, 2020 Chris Hayes interview of Saule Omarova, nominee of the Biden administration and Democrat Party for the office of Comptroller of U.S. Currency, --a plan to construct a different economy based on the agenda of a political party signals the intention of the thinking and focus of the Democrat political agenda, and it has nothing to do with the direct empowerment of the American people: overhaul the economy with a hybrid corporate-governmental institution that chooses how exceeding large amounts of money get channeled into favored development projects through a new central bank, separate from the Federal Reserve.

Nowhere is the traditional idea of simply strengthening the American tax payer with an educational initiative to grow small business and entrepreneurship. Such a reality would switch the centralized and decentralized economic models that the Democrat Party favors, since it maintains them in the center of government power decision making to effectuate their agendas, instead of creating a distributed, 'people-first' economic model of economic self-determination.
What benefits the best economic path for the people is actually old-fashioned; a distributed network, free market economy. In that paradigm, government is displaced as the instrumentality mechanism for the self-interest of a political party agenda, and the people become increasingly financially independent, with the national community creating a diversified cornucopia economy of individual economies. This manner of economic prosperity blocks the need for a complicated, liberty-erasing, and most likely, unconstitutional centralization of the manipulation of monetary flows with its favoritism of massive governmental investments that can cause unneeded, negative economic disruptions in essential industry's, such as the traditional energy fuel market.
The intention of the Democrat Party, its current control of Congress and the Executive Office, is not in line with the American tradition of free markets, or the economic self-determination of the American individual, but is more akin to a condescending 'command & control' of economy and future trajectory purposed to be imposed upon all of the people, rather than maintaining a regard for the growth of an American middle class and its economic prosperity.
The sovereignty of the United States of America is being impinged upon by the Democrat Party, its control of the Executive Office, Congress, the promotion of the global tax project by U.S. Treasury Secretary (former Federal Reserve President) Janet Yellen, and the narrative is that the American people will greatly benefit from a 'command & control' of our national sovereignty, our economy, and of our government that is supposed to be 'of us and for us', so we can expect the American middle class to be more aggressively investigated, and hounded, but we are not to expect that our schools be tasked with self-empowering our ability to be a financially independent people with an entrepreneurial economy of small businesses.