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Showing posts from August, 2022

The Gentle Waters of Our Tradition are Self-Determination & Independence: Will It Be Only "Your America," Or Will It Be "Our Home?"

  Is it important for the people of the United States of America to be informed , and to understand what is or are the pathways for the best, most resilient economy? Should we be destined to move through economic cycles of recessions, monetary inflation, and fragmented economic prosperity? Is there a safer, and yet more adventurous, more individually empowering economic path? What is the national financial situation that the current economic management of the past century and present time period brought to the American middle class? Do we have, do we see, are we experiencing an ample, resilient economic prosperity in the individuals and families that are our middle class, and has our America school education been an integral, initial creator of small business development and entrepreneurship?  For the purpose of their participation in national discussion, and that through the potentially extraordinary power of the written and spoken word of ordinary people; that through our e...

The World Bank & Its Collusion With U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the Democrat Party v. A Defense of American National Sovereignty, the U.S. Supreme Court's Original Duty, & the Protection of The People

The self-sufficiency of a nation purposed in establishing and be able to truly effectualize a strong domestic economy of the people, sets the pillars of the foundation of its best foreign policy. But can such a reality be had without a specific economic independence in its source of energy for its varied industries, its manufactures, its transportation, and in the 21st century, the source of energy to power its technology? Truly, the sovereignty of the United States of America, ā€”land steeped in the tradition of the defense of equal justice and individual liberty unto all its diverse people is singular in its wealth: built upon the strength of the vibrancy of economy in its middle class, finds that it will be the continual focus of foreign entities seeking to advantage themselves from its dynamism, and altogether, if it be possible, subduing and harnessing its wealth.  What can such an America be, without the independence of its judges? How shall its people defend its foundations...

American Foreign Policy & Its National Self-Sufficiency in Traditional Energy

The idea that a nation-stateā€™s domestic and global economy and political dynamism calibrates upon the strength and independence of its ability to be self-sufficient amongst other nations is the immediate cornerstone that outlines the best foundation of its foreign policy. That said, it important to underscore that the United States of America can have a foreign policy that is either, (1) completely independent of having to make allowances unto other nation-states that  it exports goods and natural resources unto (i.e.: oil and precious metals), (2) an economic hybrid of national self-sufficiency interdependent with other nation-states for the trade of goods and natural resources, or, (3) having a global need to import all of its requirements with the purchase and importation of traded goods and natural resources. At this present time, the foreign policy of the United States of America is in the second tier, with an instrumentality of the offices of administrative national governme...

The Original Powers of The Economy & The Control Of The Market

The workshop of an individual who prioritizes its use as his or her means of sustenance can be oft times a think tank; a seat of possible ingenuity; an entrepreneurial place of ideas; a well-spring of epiphany and an opaque path without signs or guarantees. Dynamic creativity, patience and self-determination being the tip of the proverbial spear. Time and effort always exacting the cost of labor; the individual ultimately understanding that the basics of life demand financial costs that must be met. Failure being common only to those that endure; strange and finite to those whom push away and leave off. The place itself accruing clarity of purpose according to the critical thinking and physical effort of the aspirant; the power of ideas gaining and losing steam in direct proportion to the successful efficacy   of the goal-directed persistence of the sole worker. In the mid 1700ā€™s to early 1800ā€™s, Scottish extraordinareā€™ James Watts, crafter and engineer of musical instruments, sa...