A Diversity of People at Peace

Efforts to balance constitutional powers within government, to the effect that the nation be a people that cherishes individual liberty and the protection of our natural human rights was the focus of the framers of our government. The observance of, and the questioning of the efficacy of the structure, balance, and vigilant comparison between the originally intended intention and functionality of our federal government and as it may be presently, are a political science that is duty of the people, though. Their diligence as good critical thinkers guarding and securing the values and the original intention of the laws is then primary to the education of our American schools, along with their independent financial empowerment, that they have the time, passion and intellect to do such a duty—that ultimately, the government be an instrument of the people and for the people, representing their interests and needs; anchored upon the ballast of fundamental laws as written and originally established upon two documents: our Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution. Altogether, ascertaining that good reason and an equanimity of justice unto all render peace through a spirit of union unto the diversity of people.

In the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison call and warn the people to safeguard the political union from the self-interest of political groups, called factions, as the greatest enemy of the American union, because they place their interests ahead of the good of the people. Their volatility of self-interest always entrenched against the original intention of spirit and duty of our government; the natural order of individual liberty and justice, Factions then being identified as the singular threat to the spirit of the American union. It ‘has been’ and ‘is’  the doctrine of ‘Popular Sovereignty,’ that a person can own a person and a third person, nor government can object: itself becoming an unsanctioned construction upon the spirit of our union. It was the slavery faction that had its self-interest in maintaining its way of life on an economy of enslaving people of a certain skin color. Not releasing their obstinate position, allowing the nation to be divided, and giving place to hostility, when peace could be had, pushing so many good people against one another into civil war.

In America, the slavery faction, that soon became the segregation faction, and finally, becoming the abortion faction, took advantage of two unconstitutional constructions within the Supreme Court of 1803, entirely aimed to bolster their self interest: the control of the instrument of government with the precedents of ‘judicial review,’ and in the process of creating that precedent, they also invented ‘judicial activism.’ Judicial review, being an unconstitutional additional check on the law-making processes of the executive and legislative branches, and the ‘activisim,’ being the use of the Supreme Court to actively advance an agenda based on the ideological self-interest that favors a political group above the equanimity of liberty and justice that was intended and written into our founding documents of 1776 & 1787. This has also been called,’ judicial aggrandizement.’

The final strategy requires the consent of the people, or better, a lack of opposition: employing sophistry to lull the people from their duty, that they be distracted and not ensure the original understanding and intention of our constitutional republic. To those who are not lulled or distracted, the artifice of ‘identity politics,’ or the targeting and degradation of the integrity and character of a person through varied ways of subterfuge ‘was’ and ‘is’ at the last, set into play, alongside the artifice of censorship, that the remaining champions of individual liberty may be silenced, and the instrumentation of an ‘activist’ government be complete.

Abraham Lincoln’s tremendous accomplishment in the 1850’s as he barnstormed across northern towns, cities, and states was a defense of the founding spirit of our union; it was a defense of the Declaration of Independence, and it was a defense of the character and integrity of the people who formed our government. Lincoln stood up against the spokesperson of the slavery faction of the time, Stephen Douglas, who called for an understanding that the understanding of our natural law favor that doctrine of ‘Popular Sovereignty;’ in effect, that liberty was for some of the people, but not all the people. It was Abraham Lincoln continued in the altruist footsteps of Frederick Douglass, and John Quincy Adams, of Abigail Adams, and Benjamin Banneker, of George Washington, of Alexander Hamilton, of John Jay, and of John Adams..

‘That the people be safe and happy’ was the original intent of the framers of our political union for the American people. A Continental Congress exacting and deliberating towards the greatest degree of establishing a just government; knowing full well that they were at the beginning of what could be the greatest nation on Earth, understood that the nature of man could not be changed in an instant, but the pinions of an equality of liberty had to be put in place early on to strengthen the nascent nation’s chance of success. Certainly, Abigail Adams implored John Adams on equal rights for women; and that family employed no slaves, understanding that they were working for, fighting for, and pushing for a national community and government that was for the just protection of individual human rights.

Liberty is always one generation from being extinguished, and already has been for 63 million children who have had their lives ended in excruciating pain: their limbs and head being severed, their skin being burned with saline, their living bodies procured for the live harvesting of their organs. Their scalps and organs being conjoined to rodents for experimentation: such is the work of the abortion faction that receives $550 million dollars a year in government funding. That there are not sufficient laborers willing to champion liberty as it should be defended,—maintains America in a fallen moral state as the example to the world of what should have been, and can still be, the greatest constitutional republican experiment on Earth—with liberty and justice for all.

Safeguard your good conduct with patience, and join your intellect and heart to protecting the true spirit of our union. Know your Declaration of Independence and read your Constitution, and then as responsibly as you can, add your voice, your intellect, and your heart to the selfless side of assuring peace through the strength of your championing that spirit of liberty, that we be a safe and happy diversity of people at peace.
