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Showing posts from March, 2022

Ideology & Activism: A Study Of The Changing Character of The U.S. Supreme Court As Its Personnel Changes: Pinpointing The Unconstitutional Precedents of Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

What is the character of the United States Supreme Court, if not an office that has been proven to change according to the change of its personnel?  What is its duty? And what is the duty of the people unto the processes of that court? If the personnel in our U.S. Supreme Court can say that they are the ultimate word on what our fundamental law is (Declaration of Independence & U.S. Constitution); what the original intentions of the framers of our government were, and what 'was' and 'is'  the spirit of  liberty, how should the people exercise the power balance to make the Supreme Court accountable to the original understanding, intention, and spirit of liberty of our fundamental laws, and laws that have eschewed forth from those first proclamations of liberty? What should be the rigors and duties within our American schools, and  political science instruction to assure such a people who care about the processes of our republican consti...

A Diversity of People at Peace

Frederick Douglass Efforts to balance constitutional powers within government, to the effect that the nation be a people that cherishes individual liberty and the protection of our natural human rights was the focus of the framers of our government. The observance of, and the questioning of the efficacy of the structure, balance, and vigilant comparison between the originally intended intention and functionality of our federal government and as it may be presently, are a political science that is duty of the people, though. Their diligence as good critical thinkers guarding and securing the values and the original intention of the laws is then primary to the education of our American schools, along with their independent financial empowerment, that they have the time, passion and intellect to do such a dutyā€”that ultimately, the government be an instrument of the people and for the people, representing their interests and needs; anchored upon the ballast of fundamental laws as written ...

Bringing Passion & Critical Thinking Anchored In Our Solemn Responsibility As Americans To Defend The Original Letter & Spirit of our Union

A respect for the listeners, the readers, and the participators of our national discussions surely merits bringing forward our conversation to the greatest possible satisfactory quality; unhindered from prejudice, bias, or self-interest.   As it regards participation of individual   Americans in the national discussions, how should they be taught to order their intellectual endeavor; the alignment of the causes that they champion unto a practical sequence of rationalā€™ that ultimately arrives at a connection of finding the roots of their cause in the fundamental laws as written and originally intended in 1776 (Declaration Of Independence) and 1787 (U.S. Constitution)? Would not such a process have to be established upon a critical thinking, independently-minded mode of an interplay of reason , and ultimately an action of participation in national discussion? As such, is it not the role of parents, and our American schools to responsibly shape the generations of children; the p...