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Showing posts from January, 2022

Unleashing The Individual Human Potential of The American Individual

  Unleash your individual human potential.   The words are inspiring; the idea is primal; the state of being is affirming, ancient and a proclamation of our natural, individual rights to life and liberty. Establishing a trajectory, understanding the importance of a foundation, and balancing the dailyness of our life from that standpoint, requires attributes unseen with the eye, and wholly in the realm of heart and mind: grit, endurance, gentleness of heart, fierceness of mind, temperance & responsibility in our decisions, and the creation and reaping of joy and peace, that our life energy be at the ready,ā€” to unleash our individual human potential. In the United States of America, we are a nation of nations, one people of many brought together as a national community upheld with our agreement of a promissory note: our Declaration of Independence. In our acceptance of its written and intended promise we enjoy the blessing of civility, and in our ignorance, indifference,...

1803 (Duty, Honor, Country) A Coach Bill book, American Political Scientist

1803   The original agreement that unified the different people of the American colonies was the natural, fundamental law proclamations of our Declaration of Independence. To protect the American way of life that values individual life & liberty, it remains that the people must bring the U.S. Supreme Court into acknowledgment of our 'created equal' & our 'right to life' as a priority for efficacy of the relationship between the people and government, that the right understanding itself be a safeguard to protect the continuity of the life of our American republic, and a formal, public disavowal of the unconstitutional inventions of 'statutory interpretation' and 'judicial review' be made from the Justices in our U.S. Supreme Court. These two unconstitutional inventions, created in 1803, shifted the governmental balance of power in favor of the Federal Judiciary, and allowed for judicial aggrandizement of the ideological positions of Supreme Court ...