Financial Independency Protects American Liberty

Reshaping our educational goals to empower Americans

 to have the time to create the financial resources to be able 

to be a true check on the decision-making power of our 

government calls into play the intellectual and heart strength 

of the people to be players in the moral direction of our country—

is of the utmost importance.

Who can defend liberty without the time to do so? What importance will the students of our American schools and universities place on having a solemn respect to value protecting individual life and liberty, as found therein within our Declaration of Independence, and our constitutional papers?

How shall generations of Americans own the responsibility to be sentinels of our constitutional rights, if our economic station is fixed due to government being used as the initiator of economy, rather than the American as the source creator of their own wealth?

  1. the depreciation of the value of money (inflation) occurs when the federal government is used to print  money and create loans to make itself a continual source of  ‘temporary’ economy (social engineering). 

This construct positions a political party as a one way channel that creates financial dependency, and ‘down presses’ the allowing of ordinary Americans to be the entrepreneurial sources of their own economy.

(2) American schools must transcend a curricula that brings attention to racial differences with people of white skin color being subjected to a narrative that perceptualizes their historical role as aggressors, and our government being used as an instrument of social engineering at the direction of a singular political party.

It is up to the American people to move beyond the emotional redress of racial/ historical differences, and responsibly call for a return to a piece of paper that was the first document of shared ideas that made us a national community. It is the Declaration of Independence.

The valuing and protection of human life that therein the American people be safe and happy, IS the intention of the Declaration of Independence. To effect the greatest good, the government that is supposed to be of and for the people, becomes bound to comport itself in accordance; alignment; in solemn respect unto; and adherence—to our constitutional rights! Beginning with that 1776 Declaration of Independence!

It is the duty of the ordinary American to defend the American way of life, as it is written on that parchment, replete with the straightforward understanding that its spirit of liberty wholeheartedly purposes the value and protection of our human life.

To that end— the strengthening of the economy of the American individual; the  empowerment of the economy of the American family— must focus on bringing about their financial independence, and not their dependency.

Yes, political  and economic power would shift from the government being used as an instrument of economic and social engineering, unto the individual American being the creator of their own wealth and dynamic, leaders in what would become an increasingly diversified and resilient economy. 

It is the decentralization of political and economic power: strengthening and accentuating  awareness of the shared ideas of valuing individual life & liberty, so clearly written in that first constitutional work that brought us together as a people, the Declaration of Independence.

The equality of financial opportunity would be prioritized above the centralization of economic and social decision making that is the paradigm we live in at this time. All we have to do is have our schools instruct in the application of knowledge through the vehicle of entrepreneurship. Such a shift decreases the role of government, and increases the role of the American individual as a pillar of community and an American way of life that honors our inherent right to be happy & safe; protected & independent.
