The United Strength Of The Whole, a poem

The united strength of the whole; 

the moral and intellectual intelligence of the people;

those remaining fountains of empathy;

bring these forth;

let passion join with solemnity;

that love, joy, & peace may abound

sharpen the heart unto braveness;

give it prowess; make that mind bright;

slacken the weights of complacency that lull;

unburden the soul from purchasing the short bread of appeasement

in you & in me; solidarity in allowing the national unity that is the promise of our Declaration of Independence;

that spirit of liberty that moved Abigail Adams to lay the hay for the tired soldier,

to melt her silverware into bullets

liberty to some, but not to all, such liberty is spotted and sectional;

it calls for division and ingrains acrimony

the unalloyed spirit of liberty 

exacted in that Declaration Of Independence is the wellspring,

the foundation of our unity;

it must be understood, defended, protected;

across all generations, without relenting;

in it, we are one nation, we are national

all religions, ethnicities, religions, walks of life;

all inherit the promise of liberty.

Will you stand with your heart and mind awakened in solidarity?

Who is my brother, my sister, my mother?

I will meet you there—

I will meet you in the spirit of unalloyed liberty.
