"And So My Fellow Americans.." / The Legacy of John F. Kennedy

Liberty Starts in the Heart & Mind

 Think not that the promise of liberty was only purchased in our American Revolution with the triumph of physical battle. It was born in the heart and mind; in the resolve to not return to being second-class citizens without representation in a government that was not of and for the people, but to go onward with a clear understanding that we have these natural rights. With a passionate determination; with a disinterested affirmation, we have been blessed with a few amongst us in each generation, who have laid aside the temporal promise of peace and quiet of their season in life, in order to defend our fair, fundamental, natural claim to that liberty. 

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

                        1776, Declaration of Independence

Who decides the value of humanity? Is it our U.S. Supreme Court Justices, themselves admonishing one another for not hastening to protect the main tenets of our Declaration of Independence with all the required solemnity of mind and heart necessary to diligently defend our natural right to life and liberty as clearly put forth in that founding document? There cannot be gradualism and a half-hearted jurisprudence to upholding the words enshrined in that 1776 document. Else, our country has fallen and a strange society has been set upon the helm of the world’s freest nation. 


We have some Supreme Court Justices performing as those in the time of slavery, as it pertains to the protection of our humanity in the womb; our children. They glibly drink their cup of coffee upon being confirmed to the highest court of our land, then they dishonor the sacrifices of all those selfless Americans who have put the good of the people before their own life; allowing the popular sentiment of the times to direct their decision making; thus hollowing their unspoken promise that straightforward jurisprudence upholding the equal created human value and right to life is supplanted with a soft-minded slow gradualism towards immediately defending American life in the womb. It is not just that humanity is beheaded in the womb and torn limb to limb, but that the protection of our American way of life as stated in our Declaration of Independence is rendered null and void also.

How dare they not work promptly to defend the children in the womb? The peoples minds and hearts have been darkened; many of them altogether choosing to be soft minded and fierce hearted, rather than fierce minded, and soft hearted.

Those American soldiers surely comprehended that their life may be lost momentarily as the planks of those landing crafts opened upon the beaches of Normandy, France; Nazi machine guns aiming at them as they jumped into 3-5 feet of water and made their way forward to establish tactical positions. They  understood at least this much,—the light of liberty was being extinguished across Europe and it was only a matter of time before the threat would crash down upon the United States of America. Millions of people were being exterminated in the name of eugenics (a theory that there is an elite human race with ‘more human value’ than all others, and thus, the control of the life and death of people is deemed proper.)

It is in the ‘disinterested’ care for others and our communities that we also maintain liberty because we work unto making others happy; improving their quality of life; a core principal of our Declaration of Independence. But the Democrat Party has been taking over by the abortion industry (a eugenics society), and these same are looking to establish division and acrimony in the land; having placed their construction upon the foundational ideas of our government. They care not for the sacrifice of John and Abigail Adams, or their son John Quincy Adams. They care not for George Washington’s last stance to  free his slaves and empower them. They care not for true peace and quiet, but to destroy our humanity 3,000 times a day in the womb. It is the life of our country that is torn limb from limb!

Harden not your hearts, nor look away, but put your shoulder to the plow of defending liberty.. defend the children, defend the children. They are our inheritance and the heritage of America. In so doing, we save the passion and spirit of 1776.. liberty and justice for all, without regard to race, ethnicity, creed, religion, politic, or walk of life.

Protect the Pro life Democrat and create a new political party around them. Protect the Pro Life Republican that reaches forth to their Pro Life Democrat congressional member, saying to one another, “I am your brother, I am your sister.”

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you."

  President John F. Kennedy
