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Showing posts from August, 2020

That That Remains

   1  What do we have that remains in America, but the understanding of the ideas of what quality of life we must cherish. The passion of John Adams and the strength and foresight of Abigail Adams, the steadfast, sentinel-like watch and altruism of their son John Quincy, the intellectual rigor, and good samaritan ways of Frederick Douglass with his unyielding love of what America must always attain to; the calm and enduring bravado of Abraham Lincoln, and the steady, methodical march of attorney Thurgood Marshall. What do we have that remains in America after all has been said and discussed, but the vision and work of love of Martin Luther King who chose to hate the evil deeds of his fellow citizens, but not the doer of the deeds themselves. Hate had no quarter in him, vengeance was not of his repertoire, violence had no talons in his heart. And what of President Ronald Reagan who broke ranks with political thought on March 8, 1983 in a speech that reverberated across eve...

The Rebirth of America/ Only Love Will Keep Us Together

1 Politics is not about doing the right thing. It is a instrument of strategy to attain legislative, executive, and judiciary power using government as another tool, wherein the winners achieve these different outlets of power, along with prominent employment, and a platform to further maintain such combinations of power. The complete effect is the establishment of particular visions. 2020 is a presidential election year on the heels of a vicious political campaign mounted by a ā€˜political leftā€™ conglomeration of printed news, internet & social media companies, large swaths of the entertainment industry, university-level academic institutions and the current Democrat Party against what appears to be an attempt to remove President Donald Trump from the executive office of the presidency.  He is on the political right and has sided with a conservative, America-centric perspective that is anathema (completely the opposite) to the work of the last three presidents, spanning 24...