āWe will not recognize the true value of our own lives until we affirm the value in the life of others..ā President Ronald Reagan Quincy, Ma., June 17th, 1775: John Quincy Adams stands upon a mountain beholding the British-American Battle of Bunker Hill, a sweeping conflagration encompassing two hills, the shore line, and water. An awesome sight of what was thought to be the most highly-trained, most well-dressed soldiers in red coats & white against a rag tag army of poor, untrained civilians. The scene took place in Boston Harbor with awesome man-of-war ships cannoning onto land, and ranks of soldiers both āholding the lineā and charging forward against each other. What is the value of liberty? What moves fellow man to pick up the gun and defend the liberty of his life and that of his fellow countrymen? John Quincy Adams was nine years old as he watched the scene of gallantry, horror, and spectacle with his mother. His father, a leader in the Cont...
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