The Cannons of Fort Ticonderoga/ #ProLifeDemocrats & #ProLifeRepublicans: #ProLifeAmerica is #StrongerTogether

Speech of Mr. Fox, in the British Parliament, on American Affairs, 1778. The Columbian Orator, Bingham, Caleb.
It is said that the American Revolution began in the hearts and minds of the people at the onset of oppression. In this regard, it lasted from about 1760 to 1783. I believe that our American revolution continues.
- How does the value of human life connect with the idea of a unified American Spirit?
- Has such a standard ever been realized? Why should it matter?
- Why does unification of the American Spirit require valuing human life being granted equal value; that no American life be oppressed, but enjoy the constitutional protection of life and liberty?
The American Revolution was at first a call and a fight to establish the basic dignity of man in British America, but when that was not respected, a new united and independent America arose triumphant with written down values included, amongst others, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Values that proclaimed that we are all created equal and endowed with unalienable rights from our Creator coalesced in the Continental Congress.
Maintaining our liberty through a rigorous education focused on shaping active, advocating American citizens is so important, yet the ever present on-the-surface regard for jobs, jobs, jobs, drowns out the foundational imperative to raise up such a citizenry. What ends up happening is an inequality of leadership based on a minute percentage of Americans fortunate enough to acquire such a dynamic education. As a whole then, the goals of our public schools fail to form a cohesive vision for the empowerment of the 21st century American. We need moral, critical thinkers. Parents and Educators are on the forefront of this; they are the very vanguard in bringing about ‘a million points of light,’ as President George H. Bush introduced to us three decades ago; and we need these everyday Americans to be staunch defenders of life and liberty, with strong minds and gentle hearts.
The importance of a correct unification for America’s best spirit was given whispers of hope in President Ronald Reagan’s defense of the value of our life, and before him, only Martin Luther King, Thurgood Marshall, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, John Quincy Adams, and his father, John Adams distinguished themselves as moral, critical thinkers and sound political scientists. Key aspects of the spirit of our American revolution were alive in the work of these champions. Every one of these at some point withstood the prevailing norms of their times and did the right thing. These men stood for what was right, even when it was not popular to do so.

President Ronald Reagan was fighting for that American Spirit when he wrote the only book ever authored by an active President, Abortion & the Conscious of the Nation, and then in his “Evil Empire” March 8, 1983 speech before the nation, at the 41st Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals, carried a staunch, powerful defense of our Judeo-Christian values, the rightful authority of parents, the value of the family as a pillar of our democracy, and a railing rebuke against the new norms and values that the establishment of a manufactured culture of abortion was imposing upon our family, government and societal values. He spoke of the fifteen million unborn children that had already been slaughtered by 1983, more than all American wars combined, and how our children were being sexualized without the knowledge of parents. Reagan magnified the moral responsibility of the Executive Office in his 35 minute speech. He fought; he withstood that abortion culture and called on our hearts and minds. He transcended the limits of the American presidency, and he fulfilled his position, demonstrating a rare exemplification of Christianity not seen heretofore since Martin Luther King, Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln.

Frederick Douglass will tell you he was fighting for those founding ideas seeing that the promise of liberty had not reached Americans of black skin color nor any women. The elegance of his argument is that it did not stop in calling for the freedom of all Americans of black skin color, but extended unto the need to rectify the American spirit to its full stature of glory. Douglass transcended the racial argument and attached himself to the pillars of our Constitution. Undertand, Frederick Douglass smartly transcended abolitionism and defended the promise of what the United States of America should be. He did not call upon the destruction of America, but upon the fulfillment of the promise of its spirit as one nation under God, indivisible with justice and liberty for all. He was a Christian American.
John Quincy Adams challenged the Supreme Court to break through the manufactured gag rule that was placed on him to stop his call of liberty for Americans. Attorney Thurgood Marshall would tell you that the spirit of equal justice and liberty in the 1940s and 50s at the U.S. Supreme Court was alive in him. He also transcended his role as a lawyer and was an American simply calling upon our government to be an issuer of protection of our human rights, not a sponsor of oppression.
Abraham Lincoln, would also tell you that the American Revolution ended in 1783, yet there he was on January 1, 1863, sending thunder and lightning into our hearts and minds and he became that American Spirit with his proclamation that all slaves in Southern states were free and that they could find employment in the Northern Union army. He turned the tables on the oppressors and rode forth with liberty. Surely, all of these were fighting for the true establishment of justice, life and liberty. All of these were Americans who did the right thing, not because it would win them another term or a prolongation of their tenure, but because it was what was most needed.
This is not the story of liberating Americans of black skin color; it is about the value of human life. The American revolution was about the right to life and liberty, and of creating a government for the protection of these liberties. Be it the oppression of a country upon another, or of a country oppressing a segment of its own self; the idea that we are all created equal and endowed with unalienable rights is the crux of the matter; the one thought that we all agree on and binds us together is justice and equal liberty for all.

Justice & Liberty: It awakens passion and unrelenting strength of heart and mind to withstand and ultimately vanquish the oppressing force. How we go about this process is as important as the end result. The linear bullet flies fast and effectively silences, yet the written and spoken word allows us to “shape the world with our mind, create new lives, and move the stars, one at a time until new constellations [form] in the sky and thoughts of endless possibilities [are] shone in [our] eyes,” (Christy Ann Martine).
We are stronger together.
Let the opposers of humanity continue with division.
But we can become an American Spirit.
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Let the opposers of humanity feign indignation.
We are stronger together.
Let your hearts and minds join together,
let these say,
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..”
As we round the last corner onto the 2020 American presidential election, the platform of promises that will be chosen to secure victory are incredibly important in the context of the right to life and liberty. Of the two presidential candidates, one is firmly supported by the corporate abortion conglomerate faction and the other is… President Donald Trump. The promises leading to his presidential victory of 2016 carried Donald Trump into the Oval Office due to the solidarity of Christian America. As it has been in the four previous presidential administrations of Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, the Republican/ Democrat political strategy book has focused on the popularity of a jobs/ economy platform, that has across those four administrations, been marketed and delivered as a narrative displacing all other issues as secondary in importance, be it a much needed reform of educational goals, a care taking of the environment, immigration flow control, or the oft neglected, the championing of equal human value to unborn children in the womb.
This last issue, the valuing of human life as it pertains to unborn children has been censored from being a topic of conversation. Talking about the right to life for unborn children through any of these institutions further ‘weaponizes’ the issue in an election year, therein forcing a national reckoning, and that is exactly what the abortion faction does not want. They do not want us bringing into awareness the 61 million unborn children that we have slaughtered; that has slaughtered our souls. The promotion of abortion, and its marketed defense is overtly espoused by many corporate news media outlets, the movie/ television entertainment industry, our grade school, university-level educational system, and large portions of our government. This implies that the abortion faction directly and indirectly merits those who are aligned with a continuation of the $550 million abortion business. That political strategy has allowed for a takeover of our societal values, our legislative and judicial houses; creating inequality in the value of human life, and has trodden down and shifted the idea of what the American citizen should be. In this paradigm, men and women are conditioned to be fierce-hearted, yet soft-minded. The problem with this is that 61 million unborn children have been slaughtered since 1973, not counting the human life killed with at-home abortion pills. Globally the death toll is in the hundreds of millions.

A popular platform focused on “jobs, jobs, jobs,” fails to identify the strategic consolidation of the 20 million disenfranchised pro life Democrats and the untold millions of pro life Republicans. They are the canons of Fort Ticonderoga. Any presidential candidate that claims a pro life position easily becomes an inverted pro-choice candidate and fails in unifying the American Spirit on an equal liberty platform to the measure that they prioritize other issues as more important than life and liberty.

Explicitly in the final chapter of his first autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave (1845), Frederick Douglass placed a spiritual charge; a refute of the hypocrisy of celebrating liberty when so many were oppressed or in bonds. Not only Americans of black skin color, but all women were oppressed from enjoying all the protections offered as an American citizen. At every town he visited in America as a abolitionist orator and writer, Douglass made the case with a distinct fusion of admonishment and humor that the United States could not rightfully claim moral stature amidst such a fall from the Christian doctrines of liberty and brotherly love.
None of these champions would have been victorious had it not been that the hearts and minds of their audiences, the American people had been asked to understand and ultimately agree how precious the value of human life is; that it is worth fighting for; that it must be guarded every generation. The valuing of human life; of respecting the inalienable God-given liberty is not to be trifled with by a government that is mandated to be for the safety and of the consent of the people.

Our American Spirit; it will be nothing, is already nothing in so many hearts and minds. It is not regarded. It is drowned out in so many souls. To turn the tide, we need champions who will not take their shoulder off the plow. We need unrelenting, strong minded, gentle hearted warriors who are clever as serpents and harmless as doves. Our American Spirit cannot be tricked. It is not possible to allow the ‘throw away’ culture of abortion to continue and be able to say that we honor the protection of justice, life, liberty. It is like the hypocrisy that Frederick Douglass charged America with. There can be no genuine, unifying glorying that endures as long as child-womb slaughter facilities continue to operate in our non-affluent ethnic neighborhoods.
The cultural environment for a human holocaust is present whenever any society can be misled into defining individuals as less than human and therefore devoid of value and respect. Such a standard for America has never been realized; in caring for all of human life we raise our standards in humanity and we are only then able to bring a politically conciliatory tone felt in every home and in our government. Only as a pro life America can we set the specific tone of reconciliation that is so important for us to be able to live, work and be stronger together.
President Ronald Reagan, Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation (essay}