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Showing posts from April, 2020

The 21st Century Economic Revolution (464 words)

An economic revolution of the American citizenry focused on individualized economic engines of prosperity, entails an educational system redirected towards the redistribution of responsibility  of care taking for our community and environment. This empowers the American people to be the powerful empathic leaders we need; the solution creators who can bring their passion of what they love with an application of how to financially sustain their endeavors  of good works. Surely, such a educational + economical revolution would upend the current liberal arts educational focus, and the practice of absolute capitalism, into a self-tailored, open design that calls upon each person to do what they love through the vehicle of community entrepreneurship.  Parents and educators become the key factors in bringing this community-centered economy into reality. The benefits being that an educated, trained workforce of people begin to function as self-sustained initiators of good ...

A Family Meeting/ (1288 words)

After all, the freedom and liberty of a society most specifically rises and falls through the construction and deconstruction of ideas. It is the word, and not the bullet that accurately responds to the denigration of liberty and to the pernicious amalgamated encroachment of ignorance. When founded in honesty, compassion, and altruism, the refined, intentful written and spoken word is the art form that deftly meets the obscureness and tactics found in the blunt political instruments of corruption, immoral power acquisition, and strategic self-serving ploys. So it is that the critical thinking mind, with its ability to observe, listen, analyze, reflect, and release creative thought, is the effective and singular instrument best applied on the battlefront of maintaining our basic human rights. Be us aware or not of its importance, our benign grade school experience is the required training ground created for the sharpening of agility, mental flexibility, and innovative attributes...