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Showing posts from February, 2020

The Next Level: A 2020 Republican/ Democrat Union Initiative

A Democrat/ Republican 2020 union for the United States of America can be had based on a unique platform that begins with starting a new conversation, and finally reaches a goal of strengthening the economy in an innovative and creative manner.  Neutralizing the Pro Choice Democrat leadership with a favoring of a pro life Democratic leadership reorganizes the balance of power. In such a new relationship, a continuation    of priority of focus, time, and energy can create a dramatic shift across the country in relatively little time ahead of the November 2020 Presidential election. Working together with the Pro life Republican Congress, President Trump can outflank the divisive, pro choice abortion Democratic lobby in favor of a better American union. The creation of such a team can both establish a solidified Democratic/ Republican union in agreement on legislating towards the protection of human life in the womb, and move forward with an economic package that ca...