The 21st Century Economy: Being The Boss, Doing Good for Others, Making Money (1297 words) #business #jobs #finance #vision
People need to be gently intellectually pushed to broaden their horizons with a new thought: namely, that the prioritization of making money and caring for one’s country can be had at the same time.
A new America, replete with new traditions of service can address many issues in supporting and strengthening the rise of a new economic tradition through the individual wealth-creation development of community entrepreneurship. The formula being that the health and well-being of people and community are placed, not before, but in tandem with individual gain. As it is now, the country on a whole does not give enough space or awareness for an American perspective founded in the spirit of service to the greater community. The reason for this is that it has not been taught as a valued tradition and it is not understood how to bring this about on a grand scale. Money needs to be made, people need to care for their basic needs, and most of us want to improve our standards and quality of living. Can we be taught to achieve this while also being our brother’s and sister’s keeper? Can we pursue the lives we desire and include the building up of our community?

Surely, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the United States economic cycles would greatly be safeguarded from future negative upheaval with the growth of self-employed renaissance professionals. The road of social enterprise or community entrepreneurship gathers speed in the joining of a few rivers of education:
(1)Education: the study of Political Science, and its foundational use as the initiating dynamic perspective
(2) Business: that is then brought together with financial literacy training
(3) Self-Expression: and finally with an individuals desired focus, like architecture, education, environment, engineering, artistry, science, or direct work for and in the community.
This entails building reservoirs of mental, physical, emotional strength, an innovative, solution-focused mindset, an entrepreneurial perspective, and a knack to continue moving forward through changing conditions.
Why Political Science?
Political Science is an academic focus that brings awareness to the dynamic observation and historical analysis of how governments and people work and relate with one another, present, pst, and future. From its objective findings, insights can be gleaned on how people and societies thrive, stagnate, revitalize, and end. It is also an appreciation of how governments are formed, sustained, brought down, and how social movements, entities, traditions, and cultures are shaped, impacted, change, rise and fall. Lastly, Political Science instruction also studies economic and governmental strategies, theories and policy, such as the application, historical study, benefits, effects of the use of ‘geoeconomics.’
A major solution to macro-shifting national educational policy is in the distribution of the idea that individual wealth-creation can be a new economy paradigm, one that is about being financially sustained from the success of ones social/ community enterprising.
But to get there, some things need to change. It needs to be monetized.

Political Science professors are not being effective catalysts on bringing about greater degrees of civic participation in society. People cannot eat intellectualism. We want our sushi and steak, our cars, good homes, and savings account. We want and from hard work, deserve our vacations, according to the success of our endeavoring. Their needs to be some sort of money-making venture aspect to our labors. Can it be that they have simply been creating analysts and feel-good intellectualism without any actionable directive? Earning a living as a political scientist alone presents major challenges. It is not a service that people immediately understand or demand on the local level, though governments surely employ political scientists as modern-day advisors, diplomats, and officials. Beyond the breadth of government and academic halls though, on a whole, political science remains an underutilized instrument in the local public sphere with a limited scope of direct, immediate influence.
The promise of political science then has not fully realized itself because its power is not being readily applied with the important next sequential action of applying the knowledge towards the dual goal of combining economy as a direct financial sustainer of doing unique good for the country and environment. The knowledge thereof has to be met with a business performance application. Using the understandings of political science as a foundation through which to launch micro & macro revitalization projects sets a more rational pathway for the serving up of novel and even fascinating ideas that can create responsible positive, healthy disruptions in town and country.
As it is, local, state, and federal government places itself as the main engine of public service works. What is being offered herein is an idea; the beginning of a shift of such duty and responsibility of public works, from government being the main channel of public works applications unto the people being the initiators and managers, the artists, engineers, the and the teachers of such good works.
This is community entrepreneurship. Some call it social entrepreneurship, civic entrepreneurship; these terms bring together a hybrid of business, political science (as its best foundation), and the chosen profession, trade, or craft of the founding, enterprising individual or organization.
It should be nothing less than a national priority to gift the American populace with such a strengthening of individual and community. Such a move increases the national domestic economic house and therein foreign, global economic influence through the prosperity of its hometown strength. In effect, towns and cities that can create or support the creation of self-employed professionals endeavoring entrepreneurially at such a crossroads within a community-minded purpose will be the definitive new 21st century champions of the USA.

Who would initiate the growth of self-employed community entrepreneurs?
Grade-schools, community colleges, colleges and universities can reform purpose so as to capitalize on the core principal of what political science is and then use entrepreneurship as the means through which to sustain the labor and time of the endeavoring community-minded self-employed professional.
- A central theme that creates workable political parallels would be the increasing of a civic spirit and sense of duty in and for community.
- The creation and support of multitudes of community entrepreneurs across the American landscape creates jobs and informally empowers people to take on an active role in the health and general well-being of town and country. In essence, the vibrancy of civic entrepreneurship then, allows and calls for Americans to fulfill the directive of President John F. Kennedy, “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
- Governments savvy enough to work with community enterprising foundations on the local, state, and federal level create new traditions that do in fact transfer key societal responsibilities back into the domain of the ‘we the people.’
- The quality of life for communities with multiple localized concentrations of financially-successful community enterprising projects from companies, organizations, and foundations can experience:
- greater environmental stewardship
- positive increases in mental health
- stronger, more vibrant family and community-life
Can such a trove of renaissance professionals add strength and vitality to America? Create 5,10, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 year longitude studies to track the support and work of such project-oriented community business organizations across different parameters. Include hard data, like actual financial profit, visually observable improvements, as well as soft data like community feedback. The need for the United states of America to create entrepreneurial, community leaders of action is at its most pressing economic and societal moment in time. This adventure of individual wealth creation connected to community good, an empathic capitalism, will gain speed according to the novelty in thinking, the inventive minds of enterprisers, and the support of parents, teachers and educational policy makers to value the vision.