The 21st Century Economy: Being The Boss, Doing Good for Others, Making Money (1297 words) #business #jobs #finance #vision
P eople need to be gently intellectually pushed to broaden their horizons with a new thought: namely, that the prioritization of making money and caring for oneās country can be had at the same time. A new America, replete with new traditions of service can address many issues in supporting and strengthening the rise of a new economic tradition through the individual wealth-creation development of community entrepreneurship. The formula being that the health and well-being of people and community are placed, not before, but in tandem with individual gain. As it is now, the country on a whole does not give enough space or awareness for an American perspective founded in the spirit of service to the greater community. The reason for this is that it has not been taught as a valued tradition and it is not understood how to bring this about on a grand scale. Money needs to be made, people need to care for their basic needs, and most of us want to improve o...