The continued change of the corporate mainstream news entertainment cycle has at this point been clearly shown to be a slanted campaign of propaganda aimed at removing the President of the United States from his position. It is as if the news-media-entertainment-academic conglomerate is working in unison within itself to control the national information narrative, stoking its energy in line with a predetermined start to finish story, complete with the use of a nation-wide use of ‘identity politics’ that practices the deceptive operation of ‘transference.’ Implying, the actions of another are deceptively smeared onto others with the goal of magnifying the force of a larger narrative. Through this ‘black art’ operation people’s names are ruined, others are catapulted to ‘fame,’ and some are positioned and kept in power.
This all polarizes an entire nation through the politics of those who orchestrate the main stream media circus from all sides, the Bilderberg consortium. It is a conflict of interest between those who commandeer from the highest rafters, and those who give us the ‘news.’ The information thread of 'at-times' seemingly unrelated stories and also poignant story development (Russia collision hoax) is part of an operation to distract, manipulate, distort, and move people’s attention, much like a magician does. The web of power, money, and influence has a narrative agenda, and it is not in line with an objective, straight-forward telling of local, national, and global news events.
“...the emperors that maintain the abortionist system have no clothes then to cover their open agenda. They are openly and covertly trashing and persecuting all mighty people who are bravely taking a stance to stop the river of blood.”
But now it is clearly seen that the media business of information distribution has left off its clothes by which to hide its true intentions. In fact, it is not even trying to cover its truer motive as it unashamedly continues an attack on the current presidential administration, and covertly, the outspoken supporters of it. It is a ‘shadow war’ between maintaining the language of ‘reproductive rights’ that legalizes abortion in our U.S. Constitution, and more than half a nation of people who deem the slaughter barbaric. The arrival of technology that can detect a human heart beat within the first three weeks of conception has changed the battle ground of language, as has a grass-roots movement to disengage the countries largest abortion company from receiving $550 million/ year in tax-payer money. Almost 1 million humans are officially aborted each year in America, not counting those who take the ‘morning after abortion pill.’ Since abortion was legalized, almost 61 million American originals have been killed, many of which have met the most gruesome deaths imaginable: limb dismemberment, skull crushing, powerful vacuum suction, and spinal cuts. These humans have no voice. My first conceived child is one of these, and who speaks for them? I will be one of many that speaks up and goes forth.
Even though we be a fragmented nation, divided asunder through nearly fifty years of abortions, there is enough understanding now on how to address the strengthening, healing, and care-taking of the people of the United States. The current presidential administration has placed what may be two additional U.S. Supreme Court Justices on the ‘bench’ who have a greater respect for the sanctity of human life in the womb, and has taken concrete actions to curtail the international business of abortion. Meanwhile, it can be observed that the corporate abortion political lobby has entrenched itself with a rise in language that directly calls for allegiance to itself. It has become vehement in its side-attacks, using entertainment celebrities, political pundits, and Congressional office holders who go on social media to maintain sanctioned narratives of information. Since about 1916, the Rockefeller family set up a woman by the name of Margaret Sanger to begin birth control operations with the focus of controlling the mixture of the American population. Mrs. Sanger was merely the face of this ideology, and not the brainchild. African-Americans were openly targeted for abortion. The Rockefeller’s are permitted to have their ideology, but it should not be allowed that a takeover of the U.S. Government happen because they could keep throwing money at the venture. Nor should African-Americans be targeted in their neighborhoods with these facilities. What does that do to their developing sense of self as an American ethnicity? This family continued to bankroll Planned Parenthood till the 1980s, at which time it began to be less politically feasible to continue doing so.
Again, Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion company has performed a takeover of the U.S. Federal Government and that of State governments. It receives hundreds of millions of dollars; an average of $3 million each day, of which millions are redirected for political lobbying to maintain political power. Their is an ‘abortion litmus test’ by which nearly all Democratic Party congressional leaders must quarter with in order to be Congressmen and Congresswomen.
Corporate abortion has taken over a wide swath of our Congress, and has historically kowtowed would-be Presidents and U.S. Supreme Court Justices to be in line with abortionist ideology, or face not getting the backing of the informational narrative gatekeeping of the news-media-entertainment-academic conglomerate to be voted in. This political stratagem has extended the inception of corporatized abortion ideology into the news-media and entertainment realm, and into our educational system starting in grade school and on through university.
Every day, about 3,000 Americans are aborted in a facility and this atrocity is not studied or deliberated in our education system, but tacitly placed as a progressive right of an enlightened society. So do we indoctrinate apathy into the United States and do we hobble ourselves from a social emotional developmental perspective? The media gatekeepers of knowledge control the distribution of this information and are complicit in having us look away, distorting the common sense right to protect ourselves in the womb, distract us from what matters (loving one another), and altogether manipulating how we think and behave.
“This political stratagem has extended the inception of corporatized abortion ideology into the news-media and entertainment realm, and into our educational system starting in grade school and on through university.”
Killing people is not okay. Dismemberment of people is not okay. Reverencing women is good. Building them up to be professionals and raise families is good, and separating government from monetizing ‘human slaughter’ is crucially important. The breaches in the health of our nation are large and cannot be daubed effectively with untempered mortar. Corporatized abortion has to be separated from being a 'defecto' governmental agency with no oversight, and all tax-payer money has to stop. Our social-emotional health as individuals and as a greater community cannot continue to be a leading light of righteousness on to the world as long as these atrocities are exacted. Not only is it hurting us from the inside out, but it has given rise to the cultural norm of, ‘whatever,’ at the most important level.
In closing, we can move forward even as we are in this battle of language and taking back deciding what kind of government we want to have. Demonizing people through the allowance of identity politics creates droids out of us. Don’t be alarmed that there be Americans who do not acquiesce to the continuation of abortionism. The country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles after all, even if the news-media-entertainment-academic conglomerate world keeps shouting that secularism is stronger and more morally right as the guiding social foundation.
I write not to make you cringe by writing tough words and sentences, but as a brother and ordinary American in extraordinary times, I write to pull on our heart strings. The news is slanted, the Federal government has been co-opted by powerful secular forces, and so many of us have had to wholly go to the highest branches of the tree for safety.
Does not the God of the Holy Bible call us to love all? So even as the battle rages, we must thread love. We have be about this and on a greater scale.
Social entrepreneurism, for example, places the vision and actions of the innovator business professional into one of bettering community and environment. The functionality of this profession calls for collaboration with others, problem solving through challenges and obstacles, listening to the local and national concerns, patience to fail on the short-term, yet succeed over time, observation to assess what the core issues are and how to tactically bring productive applications. This line of work brings forward political science with the unique individual aspirations and attunement of the social entrepreneur. Meaning, every practitioner will approach how they go about their work for the community according to who they are, what they like, and how they build and sustain momentum. Parents must, through our educational system, call for the creation of a social entrepreneurism curriculum. It is a profession of adventure, hard work, caring for people and environment, and of making things better for each other. Such ‘good will’ tempers the hot feelings created from the spiritual shadow war that is ever with us. Not that all of us be such professionals, but that all of us be trained to think empathically about how we make a living. America can become such a greater nation if we empower ourselves as individuals to each do something constructive to make it better.