Throughout God’s Word found in holy scripture, it has been that God has delivered victoriously using a small remnant. It has also been so that that in momentary defeats of His people he has created occasion for the continuation of His perfect plan completed before the foundations of the world were even settled. Not being a reactionary Lord who plays second fiddle to man’s actions, but a very present spirit in all things, seeing the end from the very beginning, by his Word (Jesus Christ), God created both good and evil that his righteousness be demonstrated, enduring with long-suffering the vessels of wrath, as a memorialization exemplifying his patience, mercy, compassion and love for those chosen vessels of righteousness.
In the book of Daniel, Jesus writes that there will be a great falling away, even a spiritual purging of his church; leaving only a remnant that understands Him and sees that he is the essence of love, of mercy, compassion, goodness, kindness, righteousness, gentleness, peace, and that with Him is all power and might. Is this purging not happening even now? Since 1920, when the original women’s rights movement attained voting power, land ownership rights, and the right to being educated after 70 to 100 years of grass-roots campaigning the leadership was largely disbanded and immediately outflanked by the leadership of a corporation focused on human abortion. In its conception, it unabashedly spoke of exterminating African-Americans, aligning itself with a leftist-fascists sentiment echoed by the likes of Adolf Hitler. In fifty years, a human extermination company was successful in getting constitutional protection for the singular right of women to kill their children while in the womb, irrespective of the consent of the fathers and to get the federal and state governments to bankroll it. Since 1973, 60,000,000 babies have been killed in this way. Could it be that God lost control; that maybe after all, it could be that God is not real, or that he is not all-powerful, or that He approves of human abortion?
Could it be that God’s agenda is moving exactly according to plan, just as it was when he allowed the torture and crucifixion of Himself, that His perfect plan may be carried out, and that His sons and daughters be purged of all ungodliness, that they may be made righteous, even as He is righteous, enduring like good soldiers and with long-suffering the vessels of wrath destined for destruction? Over two thousand years ago, at the moment of Judas Iscariot’s foreseen and predicted betrayal, Jesus Christ, the man-God, once again proves his complete power to heal through all of His good works and his power to loyally endure according to God’s plan. At the time of Judas betrayal, Peter lashes out with a sword and cuts off the ear of a Roman soldier, unto which Jesus (1) replaces the severed ear and heals the man. At this moment, Jesus demonstrates his power over mortality once again, and (2) in allowing Himself to be taken captive though he could have called an untold number of angelic armies to deliver him at a moments notice, Jesus’s action declares supreme loyalty to His Word, which is the Holy Spirit, that his desire be carried out perfectly. (3) Later on, Jesus again emphasizes and clarifies unto the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, not only for that moment, but as a message unto all generations, that none have power over Him, except it be given from Him in accordance with His perfect plan. Jesus is smart and Jesus is clever; the mighty Alpha and Omega.

Nearly two thousand years after his crucifixion and witnessed rise from death, in the year 2018, the gravest atrocity known to human kind, abortion, has taken around 60 million people in the United States alone since it was legalized in the early 1970s. Has such a human failure shown that mankind is ‘evolving,’ or fallen away? Is God in control of humanity? Was he ever? What God allows such atrocity to happen on such a scale for so long? Has he not given us the freedom to live our lives as we choose? We may have all been born of Adam and Eve, but we have not all been born a second time of God. A gift of God, unattained through our works or desires, through lineage, or blood, but an undeserved gift of grace; such a present that the personality of each of his sons and daughters is drawn away from their ways and made to acquiesce to Godliness with all its blessings. A grace that begins to show itself in us with each passing day, that the wretched earthy man and earthy woman begins a path of heavenly godliness that has nothing to do with their wanting, and everything to do with the glorifying of a wise, understanding, intuitive, loving, merciful, powerful and gentle God of grace.
Now we are in the time of the gentiles. A secular generation that refuses any other path but its own. What is the direction of Spirit to guide in such a time? How shall we know except we read and hear his Word? Are we to fight physically like Peter did or spiritually, like Jesus showed us? Who are our enemies? What does God’s Word say about that; our enemies are not each other; that we fight not flesh and blood, but through our daily living, we exemplify Godly righteousness and not spiritual wretchedness. How do we go about caring for those whom we do not agree with and know nothing about? How can we care about each other as an entire country, except we be shown how to love? How does one learn that and practice that? What is this perfect law of liberty known as God’s Word that instructs us to take on the traits of God; loving and caring for the needs of each other, if we have been dissuaded from reading God’s directions on how to live with one another?
Not I, but God says that we are all spirits in bodily vessels or ‘tabernacles,’ able to attain heavenly blessings according to our alignment to His Word, regardless if we be His chosen or not, that in such a way God works through each and every one of us to carry out his word and deeds. Evil does appear for now and it is evident that His directions to us have been intellectually blasted by the failures of human religion, minimized in importance and his very Word set aside as a book of books for zealots. Has not God allowed all this to try our hearts? Who will stand by Him, by His Word, and in Spirit as it appears to be trashed, trivialized and scorned? Who seeks to understand God’s Spirit and God’s way when it has SEEMED to become wholly unprofitable to be aligned with it in our secular age?
Those that are of Him walk in one Spirit,
as one people placing asunder desires
living according to his Word,
written in our heart of hearts,
enduring hardness as His good soldiers
daily being made anew,
remaining supple in heart and mind.