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Showing posts from December, 2018

The Defense of the Democratic Republic / #AmericaFirst

The relevance of human rights to the well-being of a healthy local and national society is a paramount objective to undertake, and the support of a citizenry that can think critically, make decisions and take action, is the greatest non-violent defense of freedom and liberty. The success of the United States of America has been due to the freedom and liberties that its people have enjoyed. Such a fought-for reality is taken for granted and weakens in ignorance and the failure of our educational system to train up successive new generations of Americans to not simply be professionals, but renaissance men and women who are active participators of our democratic republic. It so is that those who are trained to care not just for themselves, but for their country, having been trained to have the necessary skills and tools through which to practice the defense of freedom and liberty are tantamount to being the future true leaders of America. These changes must be led through parent-...

Enduring Hardness While Staying Supple In Heart & Mind

Throughout Godā€™s Word found in holy scripture, it has been that God has delivered victoriously using a small remnant. It has also been so that that in momentary defeats of His people he has created occasion for the continuation of His perfect plan completed before the foundations of the world were even settled. Not being a reactionary Lord who plays second fiddle to manā€™s actions, but a very present spirit in all things, seeing the end from the very beginning, by his Word (Jesus Christ), God created both good and evil that his righteousness be demonstrated, enduring with long-suffering the vessels of wrath, as a memorialization exemplifying his patience, mercy, compassion and love for those chosen vessels of righteousness.  In the book of Daniel, Jesus writes that there will be a great falling away, even a spiritual purging of his church; leaving only a remnant that understands Him and sees that he is the essence of love, of mercy, compassion, goodness, kindness, righteousn...

The Politics of Telling You How & What To Think

American paratroopers at rest in Adolf Hitlerā€™s Eagles Nest after seizing it in 1945. ā€œControlling a population starts by degrading a peopleā€™s sense of their self-worthā€¦ ..distracting them on what matters, and silencing the hearts that rise up in love to awaken the people.ā€ from my 2018 YouTube video at CoachBill007 : ā€˜Movement of The Heartā€™ Did Adolf Hitler lose? Surely he brought Germany to physical and financial ruin, but his doctrine of perfecting humanity through violent purging of people's lives continues on. As we near the end-of-year holiday season, the ā€˜spiritā€™ of ā€˜joy,ā€™ ā€˜thanksgiving,ā€™ and ā€˜peace,ā€™ is an oft invoked feeling and thought meant to spread light-heartedness. Bringing into focus the daily human atrocities that do occur is then, during this time, viewed as a politically-incorrect action, and the initiators of such inconvenient truths subject to being targeted, smeared, and displayed as unsavory people. To the measure that such hearts and mi...