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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Social Engineering Warriors for Social Good

In grade school our trajectory of attaining knowledge and understanding creates a sense of hope and faith in our future. We experience vibrant community interaction, and are motivated to be the best we can be by our teachers and parents. But what is a quality education, and to what ends does it best serve our local, national, and global community? Our own futures are often times held according to the educational level of our parents, plus their financial wealth, or lack thereof, creating a tremendous influence on our own achievements. This is most evident at the economic extremes of rich and poor. How are we to respond to care enough and be innovative enough in addressing the issues which affect us all? Once we are clear on the practical solutions that can begin to re-engineer the life of our local, national, and global community, how do we get others in decision-making positions to care enough to implement these? The default reality is that we may see the practicality in sol...

100 YEAR SHADOW WAR: 1920-2020

These are the people who were the targets of the 100 year shadow war: Americans of Black Skin Color The political power vacuum of the original collective of ā€˜Woman Suffragistā€™ of the 19th and early 20th century rendered a public space for the manipulation of ā€˜womenā€™s rights advocacy.ā€™  The leadership of this plural congregation had sought after the elevation of a womanā€™s right to be educated, own land, and vote for elected representatives. To attain such constitutional rights, they became social activists in the community, taking such actions as writing and publishing their opinions, and being an organized presence on the street level. Their understanding that they would have to create their own social media platforms in order to get the word out on the constitutional rights of women to be equal citizens was pivotal to their success in creating awareness and demanding political acknowledgment.   The full-stop of their campaign in 1920 was taking advantage of...

Growing The Economy of Empathic Capitalism

An American citizenry that is engineered to care makes for an America of critical thinkers and doers. Agape The answer to apathy is empathy.  The answer to heartlessness and ignorance  is shaping generations of caring individuals who are altogether educated,  savvy and informed  applied  community engineers. To love, not because of how the other makes one feel, or what they do for one, but because of a    mindful choice to care.  To choose to love, in spite of the goodwill of another, in spite of the vehemence of another or others, in spite of dismissiveness, and in spite of the indifference or apathy of others. With the teaching of a more empathic form of capitalism that is at once woven across our educational systems and introduced as a harbinger of success within the financial world, we    introduce a new American countenance that is financially literate, more civic-minded, and a natural creator of outstanding cit...

The Human Rights of Womenā€™s Rights #UnstoppableAmerica

The announcement, published in the Seneca County Courier on July 14, (1848) read, ā€œA Convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women will be held in the Wesleyan Chapel, at Seneca Falls, N.Y., on Wednesday and Thursday, the 19th and 20th of July current; commencing at 10 oā€™clock A.M. During the first day the meeting will be exclusively for women, who are earnestly invited to attend. The public generally are invited to be present on the second day, when Lucretia Mott, of Philadelphia, and other ladies and gentlemen, will address the Convention.ā€ The 1800s were a time of social change, and constitutional mud wrestling splitting the entire nation at its seams right upon the idea of constitutionally-protected human rights. It was a century that included the American Revolutionary war, the American Civil War, and the dawning of an economic overdrive of industrial invention and production unlike the world had ever known. The forms of media pro...